
Explorers in a Foreign Land

Monday, February 27, 2006

On Friday we (I) decided it was time to check out a new play area I had read about on the internet. So, at the last minute we called up Sunny (to find out more about her, click on the link on the right!) and she bravely agreed to go on the adventure with Lydia and I. Little did we know we would find such a cool place for Lydia to play! There was a huge treehouse, slide, climbing wall, etc. etc. etc! We could even order our lattes from the cafe a floor below and they delivered them to us! This place makes the list in my Top 2 "Places to Play in Prague" List. Lydia was in heaven, but I found myself even more blessed by the opportunity to get to know Sunny a little better and begin brainstorming with her on plans to establish a mother-child center with our church!

First Haircut!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Strap her in a booster seat, pop in a VeggieTales DVD (the surefire way to make Lydia sit still!) and it's haircut time! It was a VERY minor trim, but Lydia was surprisingly compliant while mommy snipped away...

Finished product

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Lydia's friend, Lucy, and her mommy, Shanna, invited us to go swimming at an indoor pool next door to their apartment. We gladly took them up on the offer! This picture pretty much sums it up... Lucy smiling and posing at a moments notice while Lydia runs around in the background never sitting still for more than a second. If you don't believe me, I have 3 more versions of photographic proof! Even though we could only stay for 30 minutes we had so much fun and Lydia is still talking about her friend, "Sucy", and the water three days later!!!

That frantic look on my face is because I am treading water while keeping Lydia's head and floatie above water...

In what is becoming an evening ritual, Lydia and Daddy retreat to the ladybug tent to do puzzles...

And Brandon is trying to convince me that Lydia and Nellie don't really even notice that that each other exists!!! I caught them sneaking some couch-time this afternoon while watching our Sesame Street tapes from Gramma Verbrugge. Nellie, you have just been granted one lifeline... use it wisely!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Lydia and her baby modeling their matching pjs made with love by Gramma Van Voorst.

Lydia tucks her baby into her new "birthday bed"... The baby has been there ever since (going on 3 days) because Lydia is adamently opposed to removing her. If baby needs a change of scenery, she is carried bed and all to another room where she remains bed-ridden.

Happy Birthday to Lydia!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

We had a whole houseful of our closest friends join us to celebrate Lydia's 2 years of life. Our "Prague family" is such a blessing to us!

"Ummmmmm.... chocolate cake. It's been a WHOLE year since I've tasted something SO yummy!!!"

A new letters puzzle from Grandma Van Voorst! Lydia mastered it immediately and continues to wow us with her ability to phonetically pronounce each letter.

The perfect end to a perfect day... bathtime with Lydia's new Dora and Boots dolls from Aunts Emily and Liz. Bathtime began with them perched on the edge of the tub per Lydia's mandate -- but it wasn't long before she agreed to gave Dora kisses and then invited Dora to join her in the water. From then on the two were inseperable...

Yea, Play-Doh!!!!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Winter X-Games

This weekend, Brandon and I rented some skis and gave cross-country skiing a trial run. Renting all of the gear costs only $20 total, so there wasn't much to lose. We went to some mountains about 1.5 hours north of Prague and discovered they had been blanketed with a fresh falling of snow. I was relieved to find that the trails are cleared in the snow for you, so the main obstacle (for me) was keeping my balance and figuring out how to work up some momentum. We had a really nice time; it was so quiet and beautiful among the trees all covered with snow. It was a TON of work though and my legs are still letting me know they are not happy with me.

One thing we learned: For the average beginning cross-country skier, the pace is not quite as rapid as those guys you see in the Olympics. Yeh, our pace was closer to that of someone trudging along in 3 feet of snow... wearing moon boots. However, it WAS confirmed by Brandon at one point (as we met some skiing grandmothers) that I was NOT the slowest skier on the trail. Thanks for the vote of confidence, honey...

Fish on Friday

Friday, February 10, 2006

Today we decided to seek out the local Morsky Svet (Sea World) for some fish-viewing pleasure. It's not Sea World in the American sense of the word, but an indoor aquarium with mainly tropical fish (no dolphins, whales or the like). After trekking through some inclement Prague weather with Lydia and our friends, Emily, Eloise and Lillian, we FINALLY found the building (had to ask directions 3 times during what should've been a 5 minute walk!). I, for one, was quite impressed with the interior decor complete with fish murals covering the walls and ceilings as well as a rather realistic looking cave. Lydia, however, was quite overwhelmed by the darkness and the (sometimes loud) water sounds being piped through the speakers as well as moving lights on the ceiling creating the illusion of waves.

We wrapped up the morning with a trip to the Golden Arches for some Happy Meals. This may have been the highlight of the morning for Lydia... bright lights, primary colors and the smell of french fries seemed a much happier experience for her in contrast to a dark aquarium with shark paintings all around. Who'd have thunk it? Guess the McDonald's marketing dept. knows what it's doing.

Lydia and Eloise model their Happy Meal toys. Extremely large sunglasses that were promptly broken by both girls before leaving the premisis. Gotta love those Chinese goods...

Super Bowl vs.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

It appears as though United States Separation Anxiety reveals itself differently among male and female expats. Personally, I satiate my desires for America by shopping online (possibly not even buying anything... just shopping, putting things in my virtual shopping cart never to be purchased, just because I can!) And it FEELS like I'm right back in Target with every whim at the end of my fingertips. Or at least at the click of my mouse.

However, this being Super Bowl weekend, I have realized that my male counterpart satiates his longing for all things American in a very different way. You see, today is Super Bowl Sunday. And while that might mean a 7:00 party with nachos, wings and pizza for many of ye' ol' Americans. In the Czech Republic it means a game that is broadcast via British Satellite WITHOUT commercials (what's the point of a Super Bowl game if there are no commericals?!?!?) And here's the kicker: Game Time? 12:30 A.M. Yes, that's right. Brandon will be going to a Super Bowl viewing at a coworkers house tonight at midnight. As of 9:00 tonight, he is in bed getting a couple hours of sleep before heading out.

As for me, I will snuggle into bed at the appropriate hour of 10:30 P.M. so I can be well-rested and ready for another strenuous day of internet shopping...

Czech Winter Wonderland

This weekend we hit the winter-survival jackpot! It's an indoor playland that is bigger than anything I have seen before. I didn't know one object could have so many padded surfaces! Lydia played herself to exhaustion. As far as I can tell, there are only two negatives: 1) Adults are not allowed in the 2nd level of the play contraption, leaving Lydia to traverse the maze o' slides and tunnels solo and 2) It's a 30 minute drive to get there. But hey... I grew up driving 45 minutes to SHOP! What's 30 minutes in the car for pure bliss?!?!?

Comfortable in Her Own Skin...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

So... a once-rare occurance is becoming a semi-regular habit at our house. Lydia seems to enjoy undressing, diaper and all, while in bed. She appears to accomplish this within a matter of minutes. And while I admit she has a cute little butt, the potty-soaked sheets do not bring a smile of joy to Mommy's face. My friend, Emily, assures me that she is actually displaying a "skill" in her ability to unsnap, unzip and completely remove her pjs as well as her diaper. I, however, am failing to see the positive aspects of this new-found "skill". So... this is a plea to all you seasoned mommies out there. Please leave your advice by the bucketful. I am not too proud to put any suggestions to the test!

Perhaps Lydia picked up some poor habits seeing all those Czech construction workers parading around our neighborhood in their "work briefs"... Oi vey.
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