
Year in Review

Monday, December 31, 2007

Following last year's leading, thus making it a "tradition", here are the first sentences of each month's first post in 2007. So far we have been too overwhelmed/busy/lazy to pull together a Christmas letter... Plans to send out a New Year's letter are (to date) unfulfilled. You'll have to settle for this for now....

Happy 2008 to our dear family and friends on both sides of the ocean!

January - We're back in our Prague home.

February - Weighing in at a whopping 18.3lb (8.3kg) and measuring 26.3in (67cm), our "little" boy is, well... not so little.

March - Whew. Just walked through the door after a brief winter getaway to Spain.

April - Without a doubt, the most difficult part of living in Prague is the coming and going of friends.

May - Where we've been.... well, we were graced with the presence of American visitors the first week of May.

June - Oh, how sweet it is! One does not completely comprehend the blessing of the presence of grandpa and grandma until living life in a foreign country with two small children.

July - Having been back in the U.S. of A only 2 days, and still feeling somewhat like we're just on vacation here, we were nevertheless happy to be back in time to celebrate the 4th for the first time since Lydia was only 6 months old.

August - I've got a major case of numb brain.

September - The sellers agreed to our offer. We are (nearly) proud homeowners once again!

October - In 365 days... You can enjoy four seasons, teach your daughter to write her name, move a few times, sell a house, buy a house, take a new job and celebrate your son's first year of life!

November - Itinerary: Meet at 8:05am on the soccer fields behind the Verbrugge residence.

December - And our first winter event came promptly on the 1st of December.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Honey, when you finish clearing the snow off the sidewalk would you please shovel the roof?

Ok, so apparently this is "normal" in Wisconsin. Yes, those men really are roof shoveling. (Is that a verb?) The story is that there is so much snow layered with ice that it could cause the shingles to lift right off the roof. Thank goodness Wisconsin has great cheese and (some say) great football to make up for the insane winters...

The calm AFTER the storm

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Last year this time in Prague, I confidently told everyone it was the looooong grey winters of Prague that drove me crazy. I was sure that I didn't mind the cold or snow of winter at all, as long as the sun was shining. I had no idea at that point that I'd be sitting in Wisconsin the next time December rolled around. And all I have to say is: Oh be careful little tongue what you say.


I will be calling this series: Top Reasons You Should NOT Own Inflatable Lawn Ornaments in Windy Wisconsin.

Lydia and I go on "Santa Hunts" every time we drive somewhere. Below are the first two "catches"... More to come, I am sure.

Mission Complete

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Man job, schman job. I'd snowblow five inches of snow rather than clean one bathroom ANY day.

It doesn't show sign of stopping.....

So far today, 5 inches and counting. Thankfully we have (up to this point) avoided the ice and freezing rain in the forecast. I hope it stays that way. Yes, I DID snowblow on Saturday. Lydia played in the snow, Marcus rode on my back in a backpack carrier. If only I could've taken a picture of myself.........I am woman. Hear me roar!

Now Lydia is sick and after spending the past day and a half pent up in the house with a sick kid and her brother, blowing snow (again) was sounding like a treat and a good excuse for some fresh air. So, I headed out, did 6 passes and promptly ran out of gas. At least that's what I assume happened because the blower stopped dead at the bottom of the driveway. Yes, our driveway is at a slope, and yes I dragged it back up to the garage slipping and sliding all the way.

After filling 'er back up, she refused to start. This means one of two things: (a). She's flooded or (b). I put in the wrong fuel. Let's hope for letter "a"... as the alternative may not be such a happy moment for the husband. At least I got my fix of fresh air and cleared a path wide enough to get to the road... the other 2/3 will have to wait until after kiddie-bedtime (assuming I haven't destroyed Brandon's newest toy. Ahem.)


Thursday, December 06, 2007

Day 2 of Brandon being away: another 4 inches of snow expected tonight and a little boy with 103 fever.

I was rear-ended on Day 2 when Brandon traveled in November.

Hmmmmm....... Perhaps we should limit Brandon to 2-day business trips. THAT could be interesting when China is on the itinerary!

4 + 4 =

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Too much snow!

Lydia's in her own winter wonderland though. She just loves playing out there in the snow. (Although I'm beginning to think it's more for the opportunity to EAT the snow than to play.....).

So this morning we all got bundled up and headed out for some fun. After falling flat on my butt 2x within 5 minutes while carrying Marcus, I called it quits and headed indoors. Lydia stuck it out for a while longer. The call of the snow to be consumed is just too strong to resist.

The forecast says more snow for the weekend. Of course, this would only make sense since Brandon left for China this morning. There was that time in 2002 that he was away in Germany and we had 2 FEET of snow in Baltimore. I was literally a prisoner in my home for 2 days until some friends came to shovel me out. This time we have a snowblower, so we'll be just fine. I'll just strap Marcus on my back and tell Lydia to hold on real tight.


My Little Monkey

Today Marcus insisted on feeding himself his own banana...

He was SO proud!

It's beginning to look a lot like December

Monday, December 03, 2007

And our first winter event came promptly on the 1st of December. We had it all... snow, sleet, rain. Lydia is absolutely ecstatic about the snow; and Mommy? Not so much.

But thankfully the snow arrived on the weekend, so Daddy was home to accompany her on her snow outings and to build the first snowman of the year.

And did I mention? Wisconsin is a VERY windy state.

Discovering the perfectly sized sledding hill... right in our own back yard!

Lydia, Daddy & "Mr. Snowmanner"

Lydia's obsession on Day 2 after the snow arrival was to make a snowman. So, I promptly sent her outside with Daddy to accomplish that task. Marcus and I stayed contently indoors and observed. When they were finished, Lydia had the responsibility of naming the creation. That is when Mr. Snowmanner smiled and took up residence in our backyard.

Lydia has been quite concerned that he will melt (a 24-hour snowman lifespan was quite common in Prague). This year I can confidently tell her he will likely be around for a while. Although I am beginning to fear the leading cause of snowman death in Wisconsin is NOT warm temperatures, but gale-force winds.

Good news: this morning is Mr. Snowmanner's 2nd day of life and he's still standing tall and strong.

On the move...

Marcus walketh!

One week before Thanksgiving and just in time to show off for the grandparents while finessing his abilities... he knows just how to make a grandma's day!

Lydia has been heard lamenting on more than one occasion: "But Mommy, I don't WANT Marcus to walk!". My dear child, do not fear for soon he will start to run...

Two Peas in a Bucket

Sunday, December 02, 2007

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