
Looking back…looking forward.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

When I allow myself a few moments to stop and really consider our upcoming move to Hong Kong, my tummy does a little flip, my heart skips a beat, I catch my breath and I think "HOW?" How did a small town girl from Iowa find herself sorting and packing up all her earthly belonging into boxes to donate, boxes to put on a ship, boxes to put in the trash, and boxes to store away. I don't often allow myself the time or space to actually reflect and contemplate what's ahead. It's really too scary. And insurmountable. And overwhelming. And unknown. It's easier to just scroll through Instagram or run to Starbucks for another latte or find some other distraction, than to face the fear.

But then.

Reality Check in Aisle 12

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The gallon of milk I bought tonight has an expiration date that matches our one-way tickets to Hong Kong. I contemplated putting it back on the shelf and rooting around for a different gallon. Things are getting really real.

2019. Detour Ahead.

Friday, July 19, 2019

I'm not one to make New Year's Resolutions. I have a hard time committing to just one thing to accomplish. What happens if a better goal comes along? As a rule follower I can't simply quit the first goal, so it's better to just make a list of many goals and see which one rises (on it's own) to the top! So, sometime in early January of 2019, I began making a mental list of all of the things I'd like to accomplish this year. Of course, I did NOT actually put anything on paper because that would be committing too fully! But I do remember some of the things on my list: Lose 20 lbs. Start exercising regularly. Read the Bible. Sew those curtains for the great room that I bought fabric and curtain rods for LAST year. Design my company logo. Launch my website. Update and decorate the master bedroom and bathroom. Organize and declutter my house.

Hit the breaks! It turns out I should have been MUCH more specific in my mental list-making exercise. When I said "declutter and organize" I didn't mean literally donate, sell or pack everything we own into boxes and move halfway around the world! But here we are.... In almost two weeks, our family will be disembarking from an airplane, gathering up our eight suitcases from the baggage claim and launching the next phase of our greatly downsized, Hong Kong Life. In 2020, I'm mentally putting "Drink more coffee and eat more chocolate" on the list. I can't wait to see what happens.
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