
Note to Grim Reaper:

Sunday, May 20, 2007

You might be more effective if you didn't place giant neon signs warning people that you are 1km up the road!

You're in good hands

Saturday, May 19, 2007

When visiting us in Prague, you can rest confidently knowing that you are under the care of very competent, capable tour guides. What evidence do I have to back this statement? Well, when Brandon's brother, Cory, and his wife, Charity, came to visit Brandon thought it to be a good time to go visit that tower across the river from our house. After all, he has long wondered what it is and what better opportunity to find out?

Something seemed a little strange after they walked through the entrance coming upon what appeared to be quite delapadated, nearly-vacant buildings. It all became crystal clear when they saw the sign on the door of the main building: This, my lovely tourists, is your first stop on your tour of Prague. Prague's mental hospital.

For obvious reasons, the tower was not open for climbing.

All was not lost though. They claimed that after walking through the campus' main building, they discovered quite a lovely park and garden. And why not? Whenever I want to go on a leisurely weekend stroll, I ALWAYS say to myself: "Self, I'm in the mood for a nice walk in nature. I think I'll go to the mental hospital gardens."

Yes. Things were off to a great start....

Fields of yellow

Every spring in Czech Republic, the fields turn a brilliant yellow. These flowers are grown and used to make bio-diesel and vegetable oil. It's amazing, and one of the memories I'll take with me long after we're gone.

And then sometimes, there are nuclear cooling towers too. Beautiful, isn't it?!?


The view is great from Uncle Cory's shoulders!

The longer we live here, the more beautiful it is...

Swallowed up by a whirlwind

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Whew. Where we've been.... well, we were graced with the presence of American visitors the first week of May. And to make matters better, they were FAMILY! Brandon's brother and his wife braved trans-atlantic travel (acquiring passports literally in the knick of time) and quickly found themselved endoctrinated into European Life 101. We had a great time re-exploring Prague and showing off our hometown. Then as quickly as they boarded a plane back to the good old U.S. of A, we crammed as much of our earthly belongings as physically possible into the back of the car, rounded up our babysitter, loaded up the kids and jumped in the car heading for southern Austria and a weeklong marriage retreat. We had an amazing, challenging, growth-filled time. The setting was magical. Nina (our babysitter) was even MORE magical.

We were reminded that 7 hours (one way) in the car is asking a bit much of a 3 year old and 7 month old. But we're home again, making up for many hours of lost sleep and catching our collective breath. Photos to come........
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