
And the winner is....

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Nad Helmrovkou 258, Lysolaje, Prague 6

We have an address! Not quite as easy to say (or spell) as 109 Willow Avenue, but it's ours! We have not received any mail yet, and aren't quite sure we actually would since it's a brand new address. We still think it's much more reliable to use Brandon's work address since I haven't ever actually seen the mailman around here...

Our First European Holiday

Easter Monday is a Holiday in Europe. Since Brandon had the day off, we decided to take a trip to Dresden, Germany. It is approximately 2 hours away, so we thought we could drive up Monday morning, do a little sightseeing and spend the night. (I admit, I also found out there is a Wal-mart in Dresden and I thought we could stop in to pick up some hard-to-find items...) We underestimated how seriously the Germans take their holidays. When we got to Dresden we quickly discovered that everything is closed on a holiday. When I say "everything"... I mean EVERYTHING! Even Wal-mart. I hadn't packed any food for Lydia since I planned on buying what we needed at the shopping Mecca. Not smart. We finally ended up finding something for her to eat at the train station. We had a pretty rough night though. Lydia slept very poorly -- I don't know if it was the bed, the strange room or the strange dinner. We all woke up tired and a little grumpy. We'll need to rethink any daytrips in the near future...

One more thing. I stand corrected on the Ziploc bags. I found some at the little "potriviny" (corner market) by my house. However, they are $4.50 for 15 bags. Guess I'll keep washing.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Dresden, Germany Posted by Hello

Dresden, Germany at 6:00 am from our hotel room. Posted by Hello

Lydia takes a dip in Dresden Posted by Hello

"Hi, Grandma! I'm learning to talk on the phone!" Posted by Hello

An Easter tradition NOT to be observed!

So, the Czech Republic isn't exactly a Christian country. That doesn't mean they can't still celebrate Easter! So the story goes... Leading up to Easter, boys and men have traditionally woven a whip out of 3 sticks and they tie colorful ribbons on the end. Then Easter Monday, they are free to go out and whip their "girl", or any girl for that matter. The males request colored eggs, chocolates, money or hard liquor and continue to whip the girl on her legs until she gives them what they want. Apparantly, they whip lightly and it isn't too painful. I have a feeling that's the man's point of view. The girl is supposed to enjoy this ritual because it gives her health, good luck, beauty and fertility in the upcoming year. Not to worry... there is some retaliation for the girl -- if her man forgets to whip her, and then tries to do so after midnight has passed, she may throw water on him. Wow, talk about equality! We will NOT be teaching this tradition to Lydia.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

There she is... big enough for Lydia's stroller yet small enough for me to parallel park... Posted by Hello

Mission Accomplished.

The search is over! We have found THE car. And what a relief it is. It may look like a minivan, but really, it's NOT. It's small and cute. It was so difficult to find a car that was automatic, that could fit a stroller in the back and that wasn't so big that I couldn't parallel park easily. Brandon really flexed his negotiating muscle... he managed to get the dealer to knock $120 U.S. off the price! Um... yeh. Either we were at a no-negotiating dealer, or they saw the Americans walk through the door and we didn't stand a chance. We won't be able to pick the car up for a week. There were some minor repairs, but also the common practice in the Czech Republic is to pay cash for a car. "When in Rome..." So we'll have to transfer some money and go back next Saturday. At least I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

There is one small admission to make though. It's a ummmmmmm... French car. Hey, I'll eat my "Freedom Fries" as we drive down the road, and it's all good. We're European now, you know??? :-)

Friday, March 25, 2005

Yep. That's Czech milk. No need to refrigerate until it's opened and best of all... it's good until July 9, 2005!?! yum. Posted by Hello

Ne Cesky...

That's "No Czech"... yet. We met with the language tutor last night but she isn't able to come to our house for lessons. We prefer a teacher who can teach us at home because Brandon's evening time is so limited we hate to spend a total of an hour travel time driving, parking and walking downtown for a 1 hour lesson. We're going to see if we can find anyone closer to our house. Maybe I'll take lessons on my own during the day and Brandon can take them at work. For now, we will continue to point and live one big life of charades in the hopes that the people will understand us.

A bonus of the meeting downtown though... we got to have a dinner at TGI Fridays! Yippee for a big 'ol burger and fries.

Lydia is a pro at multi-tasking. Posted by Hello

"I finally figured out how to push the buttons!" Posted by Hello

Mark it on the calendar!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

News flash!!! Our landlord stopped by to pick up our application for telephone service. (We had to fill it out a second time because we used the "wrong type of paper"). It took them a week to figure this out and get us the "right paper", but the wheels are in motion. It will take them 10 days to hook us up, so I'm starting the countdown. I've been told that March 29th is the date for the TV to be hooked up and (the big one) April 4th... CURTAINS!!! And to think I was naive enough to think we'd have this all taken care of a week or two after we moved here. "Toto, I don't think we're in America anymore..."

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Our house with no name... Posted by Hello

It's home.

Our new home in Prague. Five weeks after moving day and still no address. We do have a house number, but that doesn't do so much good when there's no street to attach it to! The owners seem to be making steps towards getting a landline phone and TV hooked up (how they do this without an address I have no idea!). I'm not sure when we'll actually be hooked up, but I'm learning that I can survive just fine with my mobile phone and internet. The house seems to be landscaped nicely (I can see it now that the snow has melted). However, grass has not been planted so for now we have one big mudpit for a yard. Nellie reminds me of this fact each time she goes outside. I need to take a picture of the view from our house as well. If we can look past the construction that is going on all around us in our neighborhood, the view of Prague at night is quite spectacular...

Playgroup Success!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Well, we made it to playgroup today. A 15-minute walk to the bus stop, a 15-minute bus ride and another 5 minutes to the host's flat and we made it! The bus system was not too difficult to tackle. The hardest part was lifting Lydia up into the bus in her stroller. I'll need to learn how to say "Excuse me, but some help would be nice." Or some other acceptable Czech variant. The roundtrip ride was only $1 U.S. so pretty cheap, but quite slow.....

Speaking of lifetime firsts... I washed my first Ziploc bag for reuse today. (Andrea, you'd be SO proud!) Something I never dreamed I would do. Ziploc baggies are not to be found in Prague, so our limited supply that we imported from the States is to be treated as a precious commodity. I also cannot find Charmin toilet paper here, but would I....???? Let's not go there.

Lydia is thriving in her new home. She can correctly make the sounds of a cow and chicken (thanks to Grandma Verbrugge!) sheep, and Nellie (which is panting noises, not the traditional "woof" that a dog would make). Oh well, we always knew Nellie wasn't REALLY a dog. And, as of today, Lydia can point out her tummy when asked. BIG stuff!

We have a meeting scheduled on Thursday evening with a Czech language tutor, so there'll be plenty to write after that, I'm sure!

Feb. 21 - March 20

Sunday, March 20, 2005

It's hard to believe we've already been here a month. Sometimes I think we've accomplished a lot so far; then reality hits and I realize we've got a long way to go! We're STILL trying to get settled and acclimated to a foreign country (although, officially, we're the foreigners now!) After a month in our house we still have many boxes to sort, we are still curtain-less, and without a street address, tv or phone. However, we do have internet (and THAT is huge!) After all, I consult the internet immediately for any ailment or concern that any family member may have...

We visited a Czech church today. They usually have translation, but the headphone system wasn't working. I had to spend the service out in the baby room with Lydia, and Brandon was huddled on the steps with the other non-Czech speaking attendees where someone was translating for them. Quite an experience.

Today we also found a park with swings and a slide! This seems to be quite unusual in the Czech Republic, so it was quite a find. Also, three American men were there with their kids and when we struck up a conversation with one of them, he invited me to a baby playgroup that meets on Monday morning. This is WAY out of my comfort zone but life has changed, to say the least. So... Lydia and I are boarding a bus (for the first time) tomorrow morning and going to playgroup from 10-12.

Also, the search for a car for me continues. I am now entering my 5th week of house arrest and hope that this is resolved soon. My "issues" with driving a stick are the root of the problem. And since the manual to automatic used car ratio is approximately 35:1, the field is narrow. We may have found 2 possibilities and will hopefully be able to make a decision this week.

Another week is beginning and I can't help but wonder what it will bring. I don't think life will ever be boring in the next three years. Every day seems to be a mini-adventure with so many new experiences.
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