
Runnin' on Empty

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Upon our return from breakfast this morning, Lydia ran into the house and announced "It's empty! Mommy, it's empty!" Yep, the moving crew came for the last batch this morning. Now we are left with our 8 suitcases of goods and the clothes on our backs. Nellie no longer has a bed. Mommy and Daddy have a bed, but no blankets. Marcus has been demoted to a Pack n Play, Lydia is on a borrowed cot. We have no chairs, tables or the like. I am sitting on a window ledge typing this. It's an adequate seating solution for short periods, but leaves the butt numb after any significant period of time.

I think Lydia is ready to make the leap to America. After all, every time she turns around, more of her things disappear. Brandon and I, however, are still treading through the emotional discomfort of saying goodbye to our friends and a place we really grew to enjoy. It's much harder on the adults.

So, it's time to call it a night in preparation for the big day ahead... last hugs, last Prague walks, and last Coffee Heaven.

When Life Gives You Lemons....

I have intentionally postponed this post until now. My car keeps showing up in my garage, demanding my time, energy and emotions while offering nothing in return.

After consulting my Ann Landers mental database, I determined I would not allow myself to be a doormat any longer by devoting any more unnecessary mental focus to its latest woes. After all, in Ann's words, "No [car] can take advantage of you without your permission". That being said, I'll spare the painful details other than to say, Ms. Lemon has been back at the service center for the past 3 weeks. She still has not been given the clean bill of health and (reminder) we are boarding a plane to America in less than 36 hours.

Therefore, if you know anyone who has a hankerin' for making lemonade.......

Tired. Oh so tired.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

And brought to tears by the slightest inconvenience or additional stress. The movers return Friday afternoon and Saturday morning to finish up. It seems like everytime I turn around I notice another room/corner/cabinet that needs to be sorted into the infamous three piles: Things we don't need for 6 weeks; Things we don't need for 2 weeks; Things we need the instant we arrive in America.

Lydia is now telling her babysitter, Nina, that we have lost all of her toys. Won't it be a surprise when we "lose" all of our furniture on Friday?!?

Marcus is thankfully oblivious to it all. Still smiley as ever, even with four more teeth taunting their arrival. He managed to start crawling (pulling himself along on his belly) this week and boy can that little guy get around... His favorite stop? Nellie's cage. Nellie is NOT so keen about her frequent visitor.

Farewell... sortof.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Yesterday, we had our "Farewell Party" which was lovingly coordinated by Sunny and Shanna. Several of our friends were invited and we just hung out at our house, ate, talked and had fun. The weather cooperated. And then it didn't. And then it did again. And somehow in there, a few brave parents (ok, only Phil because he was the designated "Parental Unit/Lifeguard") and kids managed to log in some swimming time.

It was a really special time. And it's funny how the human mind functions. We couldn't get ourselves to actually say "goodbye" just yet. So we put it off for another week and have convinced ourselved we will see everyone one more time and say our goodbyes then. Until then, we will delay the inevitable, thankful for each remaining moment in Prague.

Ready to race! Princesses and all!

Prague: City of A Thousand Spires

Hmmmm.... wonder how it got its name...

You're in good hands.... ?

Friday, June 22, 2007

From our hefty stack of moving documents:

The U.S. Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness & Response Act 2002

"With immediate effect, please DO NOT include ANY foodstuffs/drinks in your shipment. Any such items will be subject to inspection by the Food & Drug Administration in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security and your shipment will therefore be delayed whilst such inspection takes place and you will have to pay the additional costs associated with such delays and handling. In addition, the handling of such inspections will be carried out by unskilled and untrained labour and may result in unnecessary loss of or damage to your furniture & effects and such insurance may be declined by insurers."

So, you don't need to worry one bit, because our country's borders are being guarded against bioterrorism by nice, unskilled and untrained laborers who, in the name of "security", have seemingly been given the green light to plunder and pillage as they see fit. Now don't you feel better?

Packing casualty #1

Lydia's favorite sleeping buddy, Libby the Kitty, is inadvertently on her way to boarding a slow boat to America.

I would rather have had all of my underwear mistakenly packed away than to be asked every day, twice a day for the next 42 days, "But Mommy? Where is Libby?"

Just how much is 70%???

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We got word that the movers will be arriving Thursday. Yes, THIS Thursday, to begin the packing extravaganza. They plan to pack about 70% of our earthly possessions, then leave us in our 30% furnished home for another week and a half before returning for the rest. They are doing this because they are very busy and only have time for us in this way. In preparation, I have been preoccupied with the now commonplace Verbrugge Trashout. Every major move we make allows us the opporunity to purge all unnecessary miscellaneous items that have made their home with us in the past few years. So far, I have managed to unload one carload at a yard sale, 2 moving boxes to a playgroup mom and about 1/4 of a dumpster full... Things to "release" continue to surface at an alarming rate.

We will take 5% with us via the plane. Then the remaining 95% will arrive to us in the U.S. approximately 6 weeks after our Prague departure leaving us "camping" in our house in Maryland for a month and a half. Yes, this sounds fun...

Season Finale

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I've been putting off this blog post for a long time now because I just don't know how to write it. So I decided I would just start writing and see what comes out. You see, about 1 month ago, we learned that we will be returning to America. While we had anticipated staying in the Czech Republic until the end of this year, Brandon was offered his next position with Black & Decker in Maryland. After much, much prayer, discussion, and more discussion, he accepted the position and we will be flying back to America on July 2nd.

People ask me how I feel about it all and to be honest, I'm an emotional roller coaster. At one moment, excited to return to America but in another moment completely torn up by the thought of leaving what we have grown to love in Prague. Prague is an amazing, unique, life-changing kind of place. The people we have met and the friends we have made are dearer to my heart than I can even begin to put into words. I know that when we leave this place, I will be leaving a part of my very being behind.

Who would've guessed that a place and culture so different from my own could have such a hold on me? On the surface, one sees the cheerless Czech faces, the grey, graffiti covered buildings, the remnants of so many years of Communist oppression. But look a little deeper and you find incredible friends. People who are willing to be vulnerable, to give encouragement, lend a hand without being asked. Surrounded by these friends who understand completely what it's like to live through long, grey Prague winters or to struggle with the nearly impossible language or to trek to the grocery store only to discover they are completely out of chicken... I have never really, truly been alone here.

Don't doubt it for a minute. I will NOT miss:
1. Czech work briefs
2. angry babičkas (grandmas)
3. Miss Lemon
4. Dog poo on the sidewalks
5. All-wheel-swiveling shopping carts
6. Having to pay for plastic bags at the grocery store
7. Overpriced "foreign" foods

But don't doubt it for a minute. I WILL miss:
1. Reasonably sized food portions
2. Awe-inspiring architecture
3. European vacations
4. The world's most amazing baby sitter (that's you, Nina!)
5. People who ask how you're doing and really do care about your answer
6. Hearing "YMCA" sung in Czech over the supermarket sound system
7. Dear friends too numerous to count

And God has been doing amazing things in my life. Oh, I'm confident he's not finished yet... Prague was just Act I, but from the looks of the playbill, Act II should be even better. Where will I go from here? Well, literally, to Maryland. A wise Czech woman gave me some words of encouragement yesterday. She said "Oh, to be sure, you are a very different person from when you left America 2-1/2 years ago. But God had to take you away from America to change you. And now that you are a changed person, He can use you in America in a way he couldn't have used you before".

So I suppose instead of thinking of this as a "Season Finale", the real title should be "To be continued..."

Please keep all of our family in your prayers. These next 2 weeks are daunting... not only in a physical sense, but equally from an emotional sense. Please pray that we will finish this leg of our race well.

Reverse culture shock

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Brandon is in the U.S. right now. He just emailed this message and photo to me. Yes, everything really IS bigger in America...

"I have just seen the largest salad and serving of penne pasta I could ever have imagined! Even my glass of wine was filled to the brim! I'm at lee's ice cream, a single dip is called a kids cone. Oh, and it is basically 2 full dips."

You know you're living in the Czech Republic when you say...

Monday, June 11, 2007

"Safety?!? HA!"

Homemade water slide

Mommy's Brag Blog

Lydia's end-of-the-year preschool performance was on Friday. I had fear coarsing through my veins because it is common knowledge that my daughter is NOT a performer. She will dance, sing, and re-enact every animal in the zoo, but bring out the camera or turn your head in her direction and all activity instantaneously ceases.

Part of her class's performance was a choreographed dance to "Mama Mia" by ABBA. And I have to say (quite proudly) that Lydia was basically the only child in the class performing the dance... even with nearly 100 pairs of eyes watching her. Oh, it was great!

Pascal, Ms. Marketa, Lydia as "Mommy Duck", Ms. Dana

The Amazing Shrinking Nellie

Friday, June 08, 2007

Nellie got her haircut yesterday.

Sometimes I just don't feel like dealing with the language barrier. So when the groomer asked "shot?" I assumed she couldn't really mean that and she must mean "short". Generally I try to define "short" through various hand gestures, pointing, and then repeating original hand gestures (as if you can clarify gestures). Well, yesterday I just went with it and replied "Ano" (yes).

When I brought her home, Lydia's response was "Nellie is so small!" She's really thrown off by it, because this morning she went and peered in Nellie's cage asking "Is Nellie still small? For how long? For ten more minutes?"

This is giving me an idea. If I shave my head, will I appear as if I've lost 1/4 of my body weight? I do know a good groomer who apparently has a magical clippers...

A good day for the park

What do you do when you want to go to the park but none of your friends are available to join you? Why, you make your own fun of course!

Solitude isn't all it's cracked up to be

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Mom and Dad left early, early, early on Monday morning. Then Brandon left for a business trip to the UK that evening. He'll be travelling the bulk of the next 2 weeks. To say it's a bit lonely around here would be, well, an understatement. Not to mention, Lydia has been giving me a daily beating. I know, no one said motherhood would be easy. But I would happily settle for moderate or even semi-regular discomfort.

Thankfully, today is a wonderfully joyous day for us. The loneliness has been lifted slightly. The Stone Family (Jon, Emily, Eloise and Lillian) have returned to Prague! We have been looking forward to this day for a year and finally it is here. Lydia can hardly wait to play with Eloise at the park... Hopefully the weather gives us grace and we can make that wish come true.

To Konopiste We Will Go....

Sunday, June 03, 2007

We took a half-day trip to nearby Konopiste Castle on Friday. I won't go into all the historical details here, but in summary: Bought in 1887 by Archduke Francis Ferdinand; self-proclaimed "Crazy Hunting Guy"; Assasinated in Sarejevo in 1914 sparking WWI.

If you have a hankerin' to see many, many, many dead animal heads, hunting rifles, and body armor THIS is the place to go. Lydia just kept saying "Wow! That's niiiice!"

We had a beautiful day, went on a short tour of the castle and then enjoyed lunch in the castle's rose garden. We had to relocate mid-picnic due to the castle wedding party swooping in on our peaceful picnic location but not before the wedding planner offered us some champagne and we got some questioning looks from the wedding guests.

Ice Cream break for little girls who are quiet during castle tours.

My guys


Lydia's Story of the Bear in the Castle Moat

"If I drop Libby (stuffed kitty) down there, the bear will eat her... And then he will choke... And then he will have to go to the doctor.... And then the doctor people will have to take Libby back out... And then they will give her back to me... And then then they will say 'Sorry for the bear choking on the kitty'."

Inspired by our Konopiste tour guide's claim that one can buy any of 150 castles in the Czech Repbulic for a mere $250,000, Brandon and Dad went out castle hunting. They found this one and think it has some potential. What do you think?

MLS# 1234567: Diamond in the rough! This castle is sure to make your fairy-tale dreams come true. All that is needed is your tender loving care. Durable all-stone construction. Floor-to-ceiling windows offer loads of natural lighting. Open plan. Wall-to-wall natural carpeting. Breakfast nook. Cathedral ceilings. Skylights. Sure to go quickly, so make your offer today!

Functional. Accessible. Cost-effective.

Friday, June 01, 2007

What's not to love?

Basking in Grampa/Gramma Heaven

Oh, how sweet it is! One does not completely comprehend the blessing of the presence of grandpa and grandma until living life in a foreign country with two small children.

My parents arrived last weekend for their first long-anticipated visit to Prague. Oh, to be sure, we are keeping them busy hitting all the tourist hot spots. But in their "down time", they seem quite content hanging out with Lydia and Marcus... and they never say "no thanks" to assisting with bedtime, bathtime, feeding, storytime, cleanup time, etc, etc. In fact, as I type this, I sit on our terrace with Little Boy Marcus sound asleep and Lydia endoctrinating Gramma on the basics of her bedtime routine. The birds are chirping, the sun is setting, the kitchen is already cleaned up from dinner (thanks to Grampa)and I'm NOT stressed or exhausted. Yes, life is sweet.

Hot Doggin' Duo

Lydia will never turn down a good ol' street vendor hot dog.
Grandpa won't either.

No Prague visit is complete...

...without a trip to Coffee Heaven.

Just moments after landing in Prague, we whisked our guests off to Old Town Square for their Coffee Heaven initiation. After all, it was Saturday morning, they had just travelled nearly 24 hours and I live (yes, LIVE) for my Saturday morning Coffee Heaven goodness.

Seeing the wall decor through the eyes of tourists, I noticed for the first time this statement on the wall: (who wouldn't love coffee after reading this? I'm ready to conquer the world!)

"This coffee falls into your stomach, and straightway there is general commotion. Ideas begin to move like the battalions of the Grand Army of the battlefield, and the battle takes place. Things remembered arrive at full gallop, ensuing to the wind. The light calavary of comparisons deliver a magnificent deploying charge, the artillery of logic hurry up with their train and ammunition, the shafts of with startup like sharpshooters. Similes arise, the paper is covered with ink; for the struggle commences and is concluded with torrents of black water, just as a battle with powder."
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