
Year in Review

Monday, December 31, 2007

Following last year's leading, thus making it a "tradition", here are the first sentences of each month's first post in 2007. So far we have been too overwhelmed/busy/lazy to pull together a Christmas letter... Plans to send out a New Year's letter are (to date) unfulfilled. You'll have to settle for this for now....

Happy 2008 to our dear family and friends on both sides of the ocean!

January - We're back in our Prague home.

February - Weighing in at a whopping 18.3lb (8.3kg) and measuring 26.3in (67cm), our "little" boy is, well... not so little.

March - Whew. Just walked through the door after a brief winter getaway to Spain.

April - Without a doubt, the most difficult part of living in Prague is the coming and going of friends.

May - Where we've been.... well, we were graced with the presence of American visitors the first week of May.

June - Oh, how sweet it is! One does not completely comprehend the blessing of the presence of grandpa and grandma until living life in a foreign country with two small children.

July - Having been back in the U.S. of A only 2 days, and still feeling somewhat like we're just on vacation here, we were nevertheless happy to be back in time to celebrate the 4th for the first time since Lydia was only 6 months old.

August - I've got a major case of numb brain.

September - The sellers agreed to our offer. We are (nearly) proud homeowners once again!

October - In 365 days... You can enjoy four seasons, teach your daughter to write her name, move a few times, sell a house, buy a house, take a new job and celebrate your son's first year of life!

November - Itinerary: Meet at 8:05am on the soccer fields behind the Verbrugge residence.

December - And our first winter event came promptly on the 1st of December.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Honey, when you finish clearing the snow off the sidewalk would you please shovel the roof?

Ok, so apparently this is "normal" in Wisconsin. Yes, those men really are roof shoveling. (Is that a verb?) The story is that there is so much snow layered with ice that it could cause the shingles to lift right off the roof. Thank goodness Wisconsin has great cheese and (some say) great football to make up for the insane winters...

The calm AFTER the storm

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Last year this time in Prague, I confidently told everyone it was the looooong grey winters of Prague that drove me crazy. I was sure that I didn't mind the cold or snow of winter at all, as long as the sun was shining. I had no idea at that point that I'd be sitting in Wisconsin the next time December rolled around. And all I have to say is: Oh be careful little tongue what you say.


I will be calling this series: Top Reasons You Should NOT Own Inflatable Lawn Ornaments in Windy Wisconsin.

Lydia and I go on "Santa Hunts" every time we drive somewhere. Below are the first two "catches"... More to come, I am sure.

Mission Complete

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Man job, schman job. I'd snowblow five inches of snow rather than clean one bathroom ANY day.

It doesn't show sign of stopping.....

So far today, 5 inches and counting. Thankfully we have (up to this point) avoided the ice and freezing rain in the forecast. I hope it stays that way. Yes, I DID snowblow on Saturday. Lydia played in the snow, Marcus rode on my back in a backpack carrier. If only I could've taken a picture of myself.........I am woman. Hear me roar!

Now Lydia is sick and after spending the past day and a half pent up in the house with a sick kid and her brother, blowing snow (again) was sounding like a treat and a good excuse for some fresh air. So, I headed out, did 6 passes and promptly ran out of gas. At least that's what I assume happened because the blower stopped dead at the bottom of the driveway. Yes, our driveway is at a slope, and yes I dragged it back up to the garage slipping and sliding all the way.

After filling 'er back up, she refused to start. This means one of two things: (a). She's flooded or (b). I put in the wrong fuel. Let's hope for letter "a"... as the alternative may not be such a happy moment for the husband. At least I got my fix of fresh air and cleared a path wide enough to get to the road... the other 2/3 will have to wait until after kiddie-bedtime (assuming I haven't destroyed Brandon's newest toy. Ahem.)


Thursday, December 06, 2007

Day 2 of Brandon being away: another 4 inches of snow expected tonight and a little boy with 103 fever.

I was rear-ended on Day 2 when Brandon traveled in November.

Hmmmmm....... Perhaps we should limit Brandon to 2-day business trips. THAT could be interesting when China is on the itinerary!

4 + 4 =

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Too much snow!

Lydia's in her own winter wonderland though. She just loves playing out there in the snow. (Although I'm beginning to think it's more for the opportunity to EAT the snow than to play.....).

So this morning we all got bundled up and headed out for some fun. After falling flat on my butt 2x within 5 minutes while carrying Marcus, I called it quits and headed indoors. Lydia stuck it out for a while longer. The call of the snow to be consumed is just too strong to resist.

The forecast says more snow for the weekend. Of course, this would only make sense since Brandon left for China this morning. There was that time in 2002 that he was away in Germany and we had 2 FEET of snow in Baltimore. I was literally a prisoner in my home for 2 days until some friends came to shovel me out. This time we have a snowblower, so we'll be just fine. I'll just strap Marcus on my back and tell Lydia to hold on real tight.


My Little Monkey

Today Marcus insisted on feeding himself his own banana...

He was SO proud!

It's beginning to look a lot like December

Monday, December 03, 2007

And our first winter event came promptly on the 1st of December. We had it all... snow, sleet, rain. Lydia is absolutely ecstatic about the snow; and Mommy? Not so much.

But thankfully the snow arrived on the weekend, so Daddy was home to accompany her on her snow outings and to build the first snowman of the year.

And did I mention? Wisconsin is a VERY windy state.

Discovering the perfectly sized sledding hill... right in our own back yard!

Lydia, Daddy & "Mr. Snowmanner"

Lydia's obsession on Day 2 after the snow arrival was to make a snowman. So, I promptly sent her outside with Daddy to accomplish that task. Marcus and I stayed contently indoors and observed. When they were finished, Lydia had the responsibility of naming the creation. That is when Mr. Snowmanner smiled and took up residence in our backyard.

Lydia has been quite concerned that he will melt (a 24-hour snowman lifespan was quite common in Prague). This year I can confidently tell her he will likely be around for a while. Although I am beginning to fear the leading cause of snowman death in Wisconsin is NOT warm temperatures, but gale-force winds.

Good news: this morning is Mr. Snowmanner's 2nd day of life and he's still standing tall and strong.

On the move...

Marcus walketh!

One week before Thanksgiving and just in time to show off for the grandparents while finessing his abilities... he knows just how to make a grandma's day!

Lydia has been heard lamenting on more than one occasion: "But Mommy, I don't WANT Marcus to walk!". My dear child, do not fear for soon he will start to run...

Two Peas in a Bucket

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Off to a smashing start

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Yep, Day 2 of Brandon being away and we (myself and the kids) were in a car accident. All I can say is it was not my fault and thankfully we were not injured. We were rear-ended from behind at the end of an off-ramp on the way to McDonalds for a little lunch and playtime. So we had the "pleasure" of sitting literally across the street from the Golden Arches for an hour waiting for the police to show up. Amazingly, a sheriff finally just happened to drive by (not even responding to my call), noticed me standing on the side of the road feeding Marcus his squash and stopped to ask if we were ok. (Um no... see that deformed bumper back there?)

The good news? I wasn't driving in the Czech Republic. Therefore I could communicate with the other driver, the 911 dispatcher, the police officer AND my insurance company. Amazing how much ground you can cover when all parties are speaking in English!

The bad news? The other driver was uninsured. And that door ding I noticed just last Sunday really pales in comparison to my shiny red schmucked up bumper.

Now that we got that out of the way, the rest of the week should go just fine.

Flying Solo

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Or more aptly, "Crawling Solo". Brandon left this evening for a weeklong trip to Germany/Switzerland. And I'd stick with the flying solo title if only I hadn't been feeling lately as though my wings are clipped and I'm hanging onto my tree branch by my toenails. Being a mom is tough. Being a mom to two small ones with a travelling husband while trying to settle into this new place we call home is challenging at best. Throw a 3-year old (going on 16) into the mix and mommy contemplates tying herself in a straight jacket. Hmmmm... may a mommy put HERSELF into timeout???

So please pray for us in this upcoming week. That I will have an extra dose of love and patience for the kiddos and that we will navigate this week ahead with grace and strength and maybe even have fun while we're at it.

Where has my little girl gone?

She woke up one day, picked up her crayons, started coloring in the lines and with the correct color palette! Literally, yesterday she was just scribbling erratically.

I'd get all weepy-eyed and sentimental here about my daughter growing up, but she threw a doozie of a temper-tantrum later that morning (...and afternoon) firmly reminding me of her age.

Role Reversal

Lydia recently informed me that she wanted "Cars" pjs. I found them on sale a few days later and decided "Why not?!?" After all, that's what I love so much about Lydia: her natural ability to be both princess and lover of dinosaurs, making it appear completely normal to wear a necklace and crown while building a new track for Thomas and His Friends.

Then I turned around to discover Marcus with a "boa" and star magic wand.

I am sensing some gender confusion in our household.

Let the parties begin!

Only 2 months into the preschool year, and Lydia has already been invited to her first birthday party for a little girl in her class. It was at a gymnastics gym nearby, and once Lydia crawled out of her Little Shy Girl cocoon, she had a great time. The foam block pit was her favorite activity. We even got to break out the little leotard that Gramma Voorst bought for Lydia... she was oh, so proud!

Marcus had a great time too, crawling into the midst of the gym apparatus without a moment's hesitation. That little guy is crazy!

Note Lydia's height in comparison with the 4-year old birthday girl on the left. THIS is why people often confuse her for a 5-year old!

Canada Air International Airfield

Itinerary: Meet at 8:05am on the soccer fields behind the Verbrugge residence. Depart promptly at 9:32. In-flight positions are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Latecomers will be issued rear flight formation positions, nearest to the lavatories.

The Management

Balanced Diet

Friday, October 26, 2007

"Mommy, I don't really like cucumbers... or onions... or peppers... or... tomatoes."

"Well Lydia, what DO you like?"

"I like... broccoli... and candy... and sugar... and coffee!"

(at least she's got the beginning and finale correct!)

Czech Moment

Yesterday my morning was a bust. With Lydia at preschool, I had envisioned a whole morning of accomplishments on the verge of taking place. My list was growing by the moment and I was excited to check some things off my lengthening to-do list.

Then I went to the Department of Motor Vehicles to exchange my Maryland license for Wisconsin.

The line was literally to the door, but I decided that I had made the 20 minute drive down there and waiting in line with Marcus was much more palatable than waiting in line with Marcus AND Lydia. So we took our place in line and inched forward for an HOUR AND A HALF! My cell phone, pocket flash light, Lydia's sunglasses and the water bottle from the lady next to us in line, all became toys for Marcus during that time.

When we finally approached the counter (did I mention 90 minutes had passed?!?) I handed over my plethora of documents proving that I do indeed exist and began writing my check. Then Mr. DMV asked the fateful question: proof of residency. Confidently I handed over the deed to our house as well as our loan payment book. And then he uttered these words: "I'm sorry. This just won't do." I think the room started swirling at that moment and everyone went silent. He continues "But I'll give you a list of the documents we DO accept." Oh, thank you for your generosity Mr. DMV. Apparently, mortgage documents are acceptable. A deed is not. Just to soften the blow, he encouraged me to keep my other documents all together and reminded me that I do have 90 days to get my license. What a comfort. All this without so much as a smile and while avoiding eye contact.

If ONLY Mr. DMV had told me that I needed a BLUE ink stamp on the front of my application with a RED ink stamp on the back and he hadn't been speaking English, I would've sworn I was back in the Czech Republic.

He also confirmed one more thing for me. Not EVERYBODY in Wisconsin is friendly. There are two such people now on my Nasty 'Sconsinite List: Mr. DMV and Mr. Piano Mover. So there.

Questions of the day

Sunday, October 21, 2007

"Where is heaven?"
"Why are there angels in heaven?"
"Is heaven on top of the sky?"
"How will we get up on the top to heaven?"

Embracing Fall

Saturday, October 20, 2007

When one lives in Wisconsin, one learns to embrace each season fully because it's inevitable: Winter WILL come.

This is the only explanation I have for the absolute over-abundance of fall festivities and pumpkin patches galore in Wisconsin. This being our first fall here, we are being groomed into the biggest and best fall gluttons. Our latest adventures brought us to a nearby pumpkin farm/apple orchard called the "Elegant Farmer". Where, if you hand over enough dollar bills and get a happy-faced barn stamp on your hand, you are allowed to ride a tractor-pulled haywagon to the top of the hill and pick your own apples: a peck, 1/2 bushel or bushel. We quickly decided a peck was plenty and found our place in line and waited... and waited.... and waited for our tractor to arrive. Once in the apple orchard, we scrambled about filling our peck since the long tractor wait left us on the brink of naptime. Lydia ate about 3 apples on the way back down the hill and the rest of the peck has been in our refrigerator, long forgotten ever since. But that is just fine... it's all about savoring every glorious moment of fall before winter cometh. It's a nice lesson to learn.

Teachable Moments

Scene: Lydia and Mommy driving to the store

"Mommy, why are those flowers on the ground there?"

"That's a cemetery. When people die, we put their bodies into the ground."

"Are we going to die?"

Mommy, realizing a teachable moment is fleeting by replies:
"Yes, Lydia. Everybody dies someday. And when we die, our body goes into the ground but we go to live in heaven with Jesus and get a brand new body. If we love Jesus, we get to live in heaven! Isn't that great?!? ... Lydia, do you love Jesus?

....Silence.... and then...

"Mommy, Look! There's a convertible!"

Um, yeh.

You and Me, we make a great team!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

In 365 days...

Sunday, October 07, 2007

You can enjoy four seasons, teach your daughter to write her name, move a few times, sell a house, buy a house, take a new job and

celebrate your son's first year of life!

I can hardly believe our tiny baby is already a year old but at the same time marvel at all that has taken place in our lives in that amount of time. Lydia was thrown for a bit of a loop asking the morning of the party if "Lucy, Clark and Owen are coming to the party?". I had to remind her that Prague is very far away so they wouldn't be able to come. She had also convinced herself that Nina (her Prague babysitter) was making the trip as well... going so far as to "call her" the week leading up to the party on her toy cell phone to ask what kind of cake Nina wanted (Monkey Cake was the answer). Then she informed me that Nina was packing her suitcases and flying on a green plane to Wisconsin. Can you tell that she misses her Prague friends very much?

We had a wonderful birthday celebration with 10 of our dearest family members making the trip to Wisconsin to sing "Happy Birthday" to dear Marcus. It was such a treat to be able to enjoy their presence. Marcus is such a sweet little boy and couldn't have done a better job at soaking up all the love and attention.

The paparazzi arrived in full force

Cake. Yum.

Fall Harvest Fest

Last weekend we took advantage of the beautiful fall weather and went downtown for the Fall Harvest Fest. There were lots of fun things for the kids to do... Lydia's favorite? Her choice of 8 jumpy castles. She's been asking every other day if we can please go back to the "Fairest Harv".

The Lord is My Shephard

Friday, September 28, 2007

It has happened once again. I really wasn't expecting it to happen, but by the end of the first day in our new home, I just felt comfortable in this place. I said to Brandon, "It just feels like 'us'. It feels surprisingly normal to be here. In this place." This was a HUGE admission on my part.

Anyone who knows me, and especially anyone who loves me, knows that I wasn't too keen on the house we finally settled on. Oh, I could come up with an endless list of things about it that made it just not quite right.

And then we moved in. This week I caught myself saying "Hmmm. This IS where God wanted us to be." A long series of events has led up to that realization; and yes, it has taken me WAY too long to catch on... Again.

It started when I ran into one of my neighbors (Liz) at a woman's Bible study I'm attending. Never mind that there are well over 100 women in a variety of studies there each week. She just happened to walk by and I just happened to recognize her from when I had met her while looking at the house a month ago. We talked for a while. I told here we had, in fact, bought the house. And then before she walked away, she gave me a hug! Now, I know that for many people that might be a little freaky. I mean, a HUG?!?!? And normally, for me it would be too. But it wasn't weird or awkward or freaky at all. God sent that hug to me because he knew I really needed that, right then, at that moment.

And then, this same neighbor offered to watch both kids for a while this morning so that I could get some work done around here. Nevermind that she has 4 of her own and another on the way. She willingly, without me asking, insisted that Lydia and Marcus come over. She also invited our family to a Bible study, right here in the neighborhood! One where kids come along and play together while the parents study. No need to stress about a babysitter... apparently there are well over 10 kids there each week.

This is as close as I think I'm gonna come to a pillar of smoke or fire by night. And I can confidently say, THIS is where God wanted us to be. And what a reassurance that is to me after what has been a very long, stressful and many times painful journey.

Non-fiction novels in the works

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Moving and then moving and then moving again has been very inspiring for some literary works. Here are working titles for some of my non-fiction novels:

- Navigating the Rugged Mountainous Terrain of Moving Boxes, One Box Full of Junk at a Time

- The Story of a Stuffed Cat Named Libby Whose Name was Changed to Oscar Mid-Transport and Re-Discovered in a Ambiguously Labelled Box Three Months Later

- Co-existing Harmoniously with Wasps

- The Refrigerator that Wouldn't Fit its Space

...and its guaranteed best-selling sequel:
- The Cabinet-moving, Floor-Cutting Saga

- Ode to a Terrace-Resurfacing Project in Prague: Welcome to the Neighborhood! Resurfacing All Surrounding Neighborhood Streets

Other than that, life is pretty ho-hum. We could really use some excitement around here.

What I Learned in Preschool

Thursday, September 20, 2007

"Look, Mom. I'm a frozen squirrel!"

The Verbrugges in the Dells

Last weekend we took a little hiatus from life and met Brandon's parents in the Wisconsin Dells for a day. Not really knowing what to expect, I was completely blown away by the insane waterpark hotels absolutely everywhere. We literally spent the day in our hotel swimming pool. Then we ventured out to the local petting zoo, which had seen it's heyday in the 80s and generally had animal housing conditions that would send any P.E.T.A. wanna-be into cardiac arrest. Nevertheless, Lydia thought the place was absolutely amazing and without hesitation hand-fed zebras, llamas, giraffes and more. (We will withhold the pictorial evidence of mating turtles. Who knew it was such a noisy affair?!?).

It was a great little getaway amongst an avalanche of major life transitions and a post-fifteen day China business trip. I'm sure we'll make a return trip when the kids are old enough to feast upon all the touristy delights including the Circus Museum, the House on the Rock and a varitable waterpark cornucopia.

The Big M.D.

That's right! Tomorrow is time for yet another Moving Day in the Verbrugge family! We close on our house today and not a moment too soon since buyer-seller relations are increasingly strained. But Brandon has decided to issue an apology for something that really didn't warrant an apology, so we won't bring "that" up any more. The main thing is, we're nearly finished with this homeless phase and are quite excited to have a place to set our suitcases for an extended period of time. Lydia can not WAIT for her things to arrive, nearly 3 months to the day after packing up in Prague. When we boxed our things, we anticipated seeing it all again in 6 weeks. Wrong-o. It'll be like Christmas in September... I don't plan on seeing Lydia for the entire day as I fully expect her to be knee-deep in her long lost Legos, puzzles, dolls... and would you believe her anxiously anticipated Hello Kitty slippers?

But before that all happens, we have to go fridge shopping. Until yesterday at the walk through, neither of us realized the fridge would go A.W.O.L. Guess we should always read the fine print... 5 times.

Smiley Happy People

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Really, Brandon and I are finding it humorous that absolutely everybody is so darn friendly out here in Wisconsin. Pizza delivery guy, hotel housekeeper, grocery store bagger, toy store clerk, pharmacist, restaurant bus boy... you name it, they are smiley, happy people. Kindof freaks us out. Coming from the Land of No Smiles and Customer Service=Public Enemy #1, we don't know what to do with all this cheerfulness. But I think we can get used to it and maybe, just maybe, someday we'll even be... (gasp)... one of "them"!

Off to preschool!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

After conquering preschool

it's time to conquer Maggie Moos!

Deep Conversations, Part II

Mommy, what's inside windows?
Mommy, what's inside walls?
Mommy, what's inside my fingers?
Mommy, what's inside my toes?

Deep Conversations.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Lydia: "Mommy, what's under the sidewalk?"
Me: "Dirt"
Lydia: "What's under the grass?"
Me: "More dirt"
Lydia: "Mommy, tell me about what's under again..."
Me: "Well, under the dirt is more dirt. And then under ALL the dirt is rock. And then if you dig through ALL the rock, there is firey, melty really hot rock. And if you dig aaaaaalllll the way through the middle of the world... (pause for effect)... you will come out in CHINA!"
Lydia: "Wowwww."

Hey, every kid has to believe that at some point, right?

She claims she wants to be in the circus or a cowgirl when she grows up. But maybe we have a geologist on our hands?

She's ours! (ok. almost.)

Friday, August 31, 2007

The sellers agreed to our offer. We are (nearly) proud homeowners once again! Now Brandon just needs to get back here from China so we can have an inspection and keep this home buyin' train movin' along. Woo hoo!!!!

Let the negotiations continue........

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

We put an offer in on a house Tuesday morning. It's a "for sale by owner" (FSBO) home and, well, I heard this shrieking sound and then a dull thud. I think it was the owners, all the way from their new home in California. When they recovered, they came back with a modest counter-offer. To which we replied: "NOT good enough!". We're slowly eeking our way up, they are even more slowly eeking down. Tomorrow should be the day that tells all as we are both giving our "final" offers --- for the 2nd time.

I have to say, dealing with a FSBO has been... interesting. (Sorry Stremmel-Leards!) There is not that protective realtor shield, keeping us from being exposed to all the seller's counter-offer reasoning and rhetoric. We are experiencing firsthand that people can be so darned attached to the emotions they have tied up into a house. All that business about raising their family, lovely neighborhood, wonderful house... As Charlie Brown's teacher always said: "Mwah, mwah, mwah mwah mwah". Too bad we are so very, very stubborn.

We're all ok.

To all those who may have been alarmed at my willingness to meet a total stranger, with my children in tow, for an outing to the zoo: We're all ok. We had a great time and she and her daughter were very much normal.


Sunday, August 26, 2007

Got a playdate pre-arranged for Wednesday morning!!! We're going to the zoo at 10am, again meeting a complete stranger I connected with through the discussion boards. I can't believe I'm brave enough to do this, but after Prague's life-altering experience, I've learned I cannot survive in a literal or figurative foreign environment without connecting with others.

Did I ever say, the internet is amazing?!?! How would we have met in the "dark" ages? Would I have sent a mass mailing through the USPS and made plans with anyone who responded? Or maybe strike up a conversation with the nearest mom in the supermarket checkout line? I mean really.... type an email, throw in some lighthearted jokes and emoticons and we're ready to hang out together for the morning. How weird is that?

Both she and her daughter are blonde, she's a scrapbooker and her name is Angela (starts with "A" and has 3 syllables). We already have SO much in common! ;-)

A wise woman once said.....

"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all". So there's my explanation for blogging lapses as of late. It's not that I can't say anything nice... it's just that it's usually tainted with a hint of sarcasm or perhaps a scowl on my face. In fact, as of yesterday Lydia has taken to telling me "Talk happy, Mom". Oh, it's not that I'm yelling or angry with her in the least. I guess she just picks up on that dallop o' sarcasm with a sprinkling of scowl more than I realized. Little kids are eerily perceptive.

We've had a week of rain on top of it all, which doesn't help my perspective. Living in temporary quarters with one rubbermaid tub of borrowed toys and little outside human contact can be daunting for the hardiest of souls. Then Brandon left yesterday for 2 weeks to China and Germany. Thankfully, the skies cleared that very day and we have had the good fortune of resuming playground visits.

We're still the the throes of househunting. I think we've actually managed to narrow it down to the Final Two. I had no choice but to call in the Emergency Task Force -- my parents. On Saturday morning I caved to the emotional stress of this entire process and tossed the question out there: Would they consider driving to Wisconsin that very night to look at the two houses with me the next morning. And guess what? They came! Arriving at 1:30 am! Gosh, what parents will do for their children. I mean, who else in this world would be willing to hop in their car at a moments notice and drive 8 hours, just to turn around and do it again the next day? I felt an enormous weight off my shoulders just knowing they were on their way. Thanks Mom & Dad! I really, truly mean that.


Friday, August 17, 2007

109 Willow Avenue

After only a couple of weeks on the market, we are excited to have received an offer on our little home in Maryland. The offer was for exactly what we had hoped to sell it for, so it's an amazing relief to us. All that's left is the inspection, which we will pray goes smoothly with no major findings. Now if only we could find its replacement...................

Human contact!

We had a very successful meeting with some local moms at the playground today. This came about through that post I put on the milwaukee moms discussion board. There were 4 of us, Nadia, Aisha, Jennifer and myself. They all had little girls closer to Marcus' age, but Lydia had a great time being incredibly independent and playing with other kids at the playground. We left the park already making plans for our next meeting. It felt SO good to talk with other moms again and to begin to take steps towards developing relationships in our new home. We're getting there! Yippee!

Ain't she perty?!?

Monday, August 13, 2007

Just look what I brought home today!!! My very first brand new car -- a Toyata Rav4. She's a cute little thing with only 6 miles on the ticker and shiny red paint to boot. Lydia has affectionately named it Lightning McQueen. I guess that'd make it a boy car, but we won't get hung up on details.

You know how they say that when you buy a new car, you lose some crazy amount like thousands of dollars on the value of the car the instant you drive off the lot? Well, I thought I'd audibly hear the sound of coins dropping on the ground around me as I pulled away. And you know what??? It was amazing. The soft purr of the engine drowned it all out. I didn't hear a thing! Oh, alright, maybe it was the kids screaming in the back seat that drowned it all out. But again... we won't get hung up on details.

I never understood people who got all goo-goo over their cars (shining and buffing and washing incessantly). And I admit, I felt a little goofy taking pictures of it just now. But if I was a senior in high school and I was having my senior pictures taken, you better believe I'd have one... ok, maybe two pictures... with my pretty new car! :-)

Handsome Lil Guy

Pouring lemon juice on an open wound

Sunday, August 12, 2007

It's been a major source of contention in our household. You see, when we left Prague nearly 6 weeks ago, my car was actually at Renault service. Having been there for 2 weeks, we left with this report from the mechanic "It's not ready to pick up. It is completely disassembled, and when reassembled with the new part, it would not start". So... we boarded a plane for America.

And then we enlisted some help from friends in Prague. Various people were lined up to keep in contact with the mechanic and help arrange a sale once the car was again functioning.

This leads to today. Car is still not working. Mechanic has given up. Someone will buy our car for 30,000Kc ($1500). We owe the mechanic 20,000Kc ($1000) for NOT repairing our car. "Profit": $500.

Guess that's $500 more than my original plan would have netted:
Take car to nearest cliff. Push. Leave country.

Will you be my friend?

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Well, I did it. Made my first contact with a total stranger in the attempt to begin establishing friendships and maybe a new playgroup. There's a website called that's pretty helpful for finding your way around the Milwaukee area. I responded to a post on a message board from a mommy with 2 small kids in the Brookfield, WI area (where we hope to buy a house). And she replied back! Eek! It's a little scary for me... Makes my heart race just thinking about it. I just don't initiate conversation with total strangers willy-nilly. We talked about meeting up at a park in a week or so. This is nearly as comfort-zone stretching as living in Prague and going to that 1st playgroup meeting over there 3 years ago.

On the home front: Still hunting. Today I'm going out with the realtor for the THIRD full day. Our criteria is changing... No longer "Move in condition. High-quality build." This day will be spent looking at "Needs updates. Kitchen not-so-pretty". After today, I will have seen 99% of the houses on the market and if nothing does it, we'll have to sit and wait and watch for any new listings or expand our search area to include outlying areas and/or sacrifice more criteria. Having train tracks in the backyard isn't SO bad, is it?!?!?


Thursday, August 02, 2007

I've got a major case of numb brain. Numb. Brain. Brought about by a month of absolute insanity that I never hope to see the likes of again. A positive note for today is that Brandon finagled a deal where I could finally have high-speed internet once again. I did not remember that dial-up internet was so P-A-I-N-F-U-L!!! I was getting quite adept at entering my search address, getting up from the computer and doing a load of laundry, changing a diaper, making dinner AND emptying the dishwasher just in time to return to the computer to see the page loading. Multi-tasker, I am.

We have been spending every waking moment thinking, talking, agonizing over housing. After hours and hours of looking at houses we're still apartment dwellers at least for the foreseeable future.

The weather in Wisconsin has been wonderful so far. "They" are all complaining that it's too hot, but I'm just banking up the days with full knowledge that winter will NOT be my favorite time of year.

All in all, things are normal, comfortable and incredibly convenient. Looking forward to checking out some great mommy-n-kid activities soon. Just gotta get this house-thing taken care of.

Change: Round 3

Monday, July 23, 2007

It's official. We are culture-shock junkies.
Moving to Prague: Difficult.
Moving back to America: Challenging but refreshing.
Moving to Wisconsin: Crazy!

In approximately 4 days (Yes, FOUR days!!!) we will be an official family of cheeseheads. Sparing the insane details, Brandon has left his position at Black & Decker and accepted the position of Director of Motor Development for Milwaukee Power Tools. Feeling that life was getting just a little too boring in our barely-furnished 2-bedroom house in Towson, Maryland and realizing that "Heck, our possessions are still on a boat to America from Prague" we said, "Why Not?". Ok, so it didn't go exactly that way, but our interviewing trip to Brookfield, Wisconsin a week and a half ago came as close to a "beam of light from heaven" experience as we would've dared to expect. And since nobody is getting any younger, seeing the dear members of our family tree only 1x per year wasn't cutting it anymore.

Which explains the blog silence. We have been quite busy around here, preparing our house for sale and finding ourselves a bit overwhelmed with the prospect of moving again only 3 weeks after arriving Stateside.

Lydia was a bit apprehensive about moving to "'Sconsin", but after I assured her that there are lots of playgrounds, swimming pools and parks she quickly agreed that a new bike (yellow to be exact) is in order for all those bike trails and 'Sconsin could be a pretty nice place to live.

We're still not clear on when/if/how our things are getting from Maryland to Wisconsin. OR how our things are getting from Europe to Maryland to Wisconsin for that matter. But what fun is certainty anyway?!?

Super Speedy Scrubber -- Observations, cont.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

8. That is one crazy fast washing machine experience! I load the washer, walk upstairs to comb my hair, come back downstairs, and voila! Clothes are washed! Oh, can it be?!? Complete washing and drying cycles in under 20 minutes?!? (Nina, it's amazing! I am always completely caught up on my laundry!!!) What will I do with those remaining 1-1/2 hours each day that were formerly occupied by dirty clothing?

Now, folding and ironing clothes is another matter. Somehow those duties run at an agonizingly slow pace, whether in America or Czech Republic. Some things never change....

Exploring, again.

It's a strange place to be. Back in our home country. Back in our same neighborhood. But sortof starting all over again.

We have to find the nearby playgrounds that didn't matter to us before we left since Lydia was just a year old. (For the record, we have found a couple but it's been so hot we haven't spent a lot of time at them). And since we had been living in a foreign country not speaking the language, hating the fact that we'd spend hours at the park surrounded by people yet completely alone since we couldn't communicate in each other's language, I just assumed we'd find the local playground which would (of course) be teeming with multitudes of other mommies and kids just longing for us to be their new friends/conversation partners/soul mates. "Suprisingly", that hasn't happened yet. Yes, I am largely blame -- still lacking in the the "Willing to Initiate Conversation with Strangers" department -- but it's amazing how I can still feel so alone, even when surrounded by native English speakers.

I have discovered that there are books out there on this subject. Think I'll order some today.

Handle With Care -- Observations, cont.

Monday, July 09, 2007

7. Toilet paper, toilet paper, oh so soft. For the most sensitive of fannies....

3rd Day Observations

Thursday, July 05, 2007

1. Big cars. REALLY big and SHINY cars. Why are the cars so shiny?

2. Cold, cold drinks. Even without ice. Lydia was very taken aback by her first fountain drink from Burger King. With eyes watering: "It's vewy, vewy cold, Mommy!"

3. Overwhelming choices in unlimited size options. From laundry detergent to hairgel to breakfast cereal. Everything in small, medium and large. Very, very large.
(Can't breathe. Must... leave... store... now...)

4. Swirling toilet flushes that swirl for a long, long time.
(Good entertainment for Lydia)

5. Trash pickup was today. Picked up our two enormous overflowing trash cans plus the bag on the ground without batting an eye.
Mr. Garbage-Man Picker-Upper: You are my Great American Hero!

6. Dear America, there is a reason the car's cupholders are the size they are. It's because you should not have a cup that large!

Happy Birthday America!

Having been back in the U.S. of A only 2 days, and still feeling somewhat like we're just on vacation here, we were nevertheless happy to be back in time to celebrate the 4th for the first time since Lydia was only 6 months old. We had a really nice day, taking in a parade, grilling with friends and then another picnic with our neighbors. We opted out of fireworks due to bedtimes and jetlag recovering kids. It's a good thing since it's pouring down rain right now as I listen to the blasts in the nighttime sky.

The parade was basically a mixed bag of politicians in fancy cars, fire trucks and marching bands but the kids were impressed just the same. Parades seemed so much more lighthearted and fun in my good ol' childhood days. But smalltown Iowa parades, as opposed to the Maryland variety, DO have tractors, crazy guys in go-carts, clowns and far fewer politicians... and that makes all the difference in the world.

Brandon and I aren't sure how we feel. On one hand, completely at-home and at the same time strangely out-of-place. Maybe that feeling is magnified by the fact that we are still somewhat in life-out-of-suitcase mode. Who knows. But it sure is a strange feeling to wrestle with. But without a doubt, it's nice to be here to celebrate your birthday, America. And to our fellow Americans on this side of the Atlantic or the other... Happy 4th of July!!!

She's a grand ol' flag.

Marcus, if you're going to live in America, we'll need to work on your flag etiquette. Rule #1: The American flag is not to be eaten.

In-flight Cam

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Sitting in a 2ft square space for 8 hours... WITH a lollipop and Nemo... what's NOT to love?!?

Brandon and the sassiest pen ever used to fill out a U.S customs form.

I call him the airline charmer, casting smiles to any passenger lucky enough to glance his way.

Parting shots

Bouncy balls are MUCH more fun when there is no furniture and nothing to break!

"Is everything shrinking or is this room getting bigger?!?!"

Curtains are quite entertaining after all of the toys have disappeared...

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