
It's WINDY in Wisconsin...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Observing Wisconsin

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

There are plenty of culture-shock inducing occurances around these parts o' the country. I came across a website that defines the lingo one might encounter in Wisconsin. Many of these were confounding to me upon our arrival in these lands. Now, I'm afraid to admit, I scarcely blink an eye. Here is a sampling:

BRAT (Braht)
Short for Bratwurst, Wisconsin's favorite sausage. Brats contain pork, beef, and spices. Lots of spices. A brat-fry is the social equivalent of the New England Clambake or the Texas Barbeque. Brats are not fried at a brat-fry, they are grilled over charcoal, simmered in a beer-and-onion broth, then served on a bun with mustard, onion, kraut, and a cold brew.

A drinking fountain. Originally named after the valve, which caused the water to "bubble up" when turned on. Ask where the water-fountain is, and the Wisconsinite will direct you to the nearest bubbler.

A friendly gathering at which coffee is drunk, schnecks consumed, and gossip is spread.

Any sweet pastry, roll, or doughnut. The proper way to eat a schneck is to dunk (doonk) it in your coffee.

Also known as HEIFER-MIST. Although some may think that this natural by-product of the dairy industry smells like manure, to a dairy-farmer it smells a lot like money. Just watch where you're walking.

A sinfully rich form of ice-cream made with real cream, real eggs, and real good! Not to be confused with "soft-serve", true frozen custard bypasses the digestive process and converts directly to body fat.

This is any variety of brewski that is not produced in Milwaukee. When you ask for an imported beer in a Milwaukee tavern, you'll probably get a Coors.

Traffic signals to you, but isn't that dull? After all, one light means stop, the other means go, so what else would you call them?

This is one of Wisconsin's two seasons which lasts approximately 9 months. The other season is the ROAD CONSTRUCTION season, lasting roughly 3 months.

Ahhhh yeh.... this is an "interesting" place we now call home.


A well-rounded life

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

"Mommy, when I grow up I want to be LOTS of things..... like a mommy, and a face painter, and a rock star, and a cowboy, and a car driver, and a pirate. And also, I want to be one more thing... I want to be a ballerina."

I couldn't have summed up my sweet daughter's personality any better.
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