
Where in the world is this????

Monday, December 29, 2008

UPDATED: If you haven't received our Christmas letter, the answer to the question is..... this building complex one of three possiblities for where we will call "home" during our upcoming travel to China. We are leaving on January 7, the WHOLE fam!, and staying for 7 weeks. We will need to look at and select our apartment after we arrive... Overwhelmed? Yes.


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Well, the chiro really didn't do much for the pain I've been dealing with. Although the electrode massage/ ultrasound/BioFreeze treatment could easily become an addiction. Or maybe it was just the fact that I DID'NT spend those 2 hours hauling temper tantrum throwing kids up and down the stairs for timeouts.... Hmmmmm.....

Anyway, prayers were answered. This morning.

My neighbor (a surgeon) finagled his colleague's schedule this morning so that I could be seen at the hospital bright and early for a fifth opinion. They took a 3rd set of xrays, and BINGO, third time is the charm -- I have a fractured rib! There's both good and bad to this since there's really nothing that can be done to treat it. But at least I have a reason for the horrendous pain, and I know I'm not just losing my mind. Ok. Maybe I am losing my mind, but that's another post for another day.

Makes me wonder what doctors 1, 2, and 3 were looking at when they examined my first 2 sets of xrays??? Anyhow.... I have doctor's orders to take it easy, rest lots and LOTS, consume 6 oz. of chocolate 2x daily, don't do any laundry, bathroom cleaning, dishes, etc. Hey, I'm sure that's what I heard him say....... and no one else was there to prove otherwise.

So please excuse me, it's time for my prescribed chocolate truffles and R&R.... ta ta!

Prayer Request

Friday, December 19, 2008

I have been dealing with severe pain in my rib/side since coming down with bronchitis well over a month ago. The actual pain began exactly one week before Thanksgiving, so I'm going on week 5 now? I've seen 3 doctors, had two xrays and the most I've gotten is "take 3 ibuprofen 3x a day" later changed to "take 2 alleve 2x a day.... and don't call me. Some people just have to take alleve for the rest of their lives......".

Well, the pain has remained unchanged/increased and I cannot resign myself to a lifetime of Alleve. So, out of frustration/desperation, I made an appointment to see a chiropractor for this morning.

We are currently getting the Mother of All Snow Dumps (8 in. since about midnight and still going strong). However, the pain was so bad yesterday that I simply must make the trek to the dr. today. So, I would appreciate prayers for two things: 1. Safety while driving in this incredible snow storm (and that the office is actually open when I finally arrive there!) and 2. That the visit will go ok. I have to admit I am completely. freaked. out. by the thought of going to the chiro. I've never gone before and the thought of someone placing pressure the equivalent of an elephant's body weight on my ribcage about makes me want to crawl back in bed and put the blankets over my head. After I throw up first. Yes, the fear is that great.

I only hope that I come out of there walking upright and without cringing in pain any longer. Oh, and a spring in my step would be kind of fun too. Lydia, for one, has been telling me lately that she sure hopes I feel better again sometime soon. Is it possible she's tired of hearing me say "I just need to lay on the couch for a few minutes....".

So, here's to getting better soon. I 2nd that motion.


Friday, December 12, 2008

1. Biology. a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism
2. any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, etc.

In honor of my 2nd Wisconsin winter I purchased a fluffy red hat. I haven't owned a hat since I was approximately 8 years old and my 3rd grade teacher wouldn't let me go out for recess without one.

When dropping Lydia off at preschool this morning, the thermometer read 9 degrees F.... right now it "feels like" 0 degrees F. Having lived here for a little over a year, I have come to realize that death comes quickly to those who deny the reality of Wisconsin winter. Gone are the days of worrying what my hair looks like. Honestly, if the hat doesn't destroy my best grooming intentions, the 45 mph wind will. I may as well take the reins in determining the exact moment of destruction.

I fear that I've embarked on a slippery slope. One where, ulitimately, I dress up in my Green Bay Packers sweatshirt for a nice dinner out... and order *gasp* deep fried cheese curds and brats.

Fluffy Red Hat, you have set the wheels of metamorphosis in motion.

Who let the bug in?

It's been a little quiet around this here blog..... Let's just say "bronchitis-pleurisy-costochondritis-sinus infection-pinkeye-ear infection" and leave it at that.

Hopefully there will be some more pleasant updates soon as the antibiotic(s) seem to be finally kicking in.

Oy vey.

6 + 3 =

Monday, December 01, 2008

9 inches of snow to date.

Marcus' observation: "Trees White!"

Brandon's observation: (after his 1-1/2 hr snow removal extravaganza) "I... need... a... bigger... snowblower..."

Lydia's observation: "Mommy, it's SO cold out there! It's like Antarctica..... only it's.... Wisconsin. The coldest place in the world!"
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