
A night away.

Monday, July 04, 2005

We did it! For my birthday, we went away overnight... WITHOUT Lydia! I was a bit nervous about it, but she was still in one piece when we got home and it was so nice to go away and not have to be back in the hotel for naptime and bedtime at 8:00. I even think Lydia was upset that I was home (I'm pretty sure the babysitter WASN'T upset!). Lydia woke up crying from her nap and when I walked in her room and said "Look! It's Mommy!!!" she flopped down in her bed and cried even harder. Talk about warming my heart...

So we went to a town in southern Czech Republic called Cesky Krumlov. It's a medieval town with a pretty substantial castle. It also had an amazing theatre from the 1700s that has been 85% restored with original equipment. The scenery changes were all done with large painted panels that came in from the sides using an axle and ropes underneath the stage. It's one of only 2 theatres of its kind in the world because other theatres were mainly destoyed by fire because the techinique of the time for simulating lightning by using fireworks. Not a good idea.

After we got home, we wrapped up the birthday celebration downtown with a trip to Fridays where I had a big ol' American burger and fries. Couldn't ask for much more!

1 comment:

quadshot said...

Fridays? As in TGIFridays, my favorite restaurant? How unfair it is that!! You have one in Prague and I've been emailing the company like a psycho for five years to get one here in Sioux City!!

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