
Christmas in April

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

We have visitors from the States!!! Our Small Groups pastor from Towson, Rick, and his wife, Betsy, arrived Monday for a week and a half in Prague. They're staying with us, and we are so excited to have someone occupying our guest room!

When they arrived, they may as well have been dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus, because it was like Christmas around here. They fulfilled my "order" of Jello, instant pudding, decaf hazlenut coffee, and Swimmers diapers for Lydia. Then if that wasn't enough, they brought books for us (in ENGLISH!) and a gift of Easter chocolates from the Bell family -- the missionary family living in our house in the States. I never knew Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs could taste so yummy! Yesterday I ate THREE, and then proceeded to hide the evidence in the trash can. When my guilt got the best of me and I confessed to Brandon, he was appalled. Today I have managed to limit my intake to only one.

Rick and Betsy also delivered the new digital camera Brandon had ordered. To say he was giddy when we went sightseeing yesterday is an understatement. He was on a constant hunt for photo opps, scampering around St. Vitus Cathedral like a little church mouse in search of cheese. He says he thinks he has found his new hobby... and surprised me with the artistic shots that he captured. Who knew that an engineer even HAS a right side of the brain?!?!? I found this list of typical occupations for right side brain dominant people...

Forest ranger
Wildlife manager

...if Brandon even hints that he'd like to style my hair, we're moving away from Europe immediately! Here are some samples of his budding creativity... Go Brandon!


Ann-marie said...

A corner of the Prague Castle and part of the roof... thought it was quite nice myself.

Anonymous said...

Wow -- I am impressed! I have tried so many times to capture the stained glass in St. Vita's but it never worked for me. By the way, Ann-marie, you are such a great writer!

Emily said...

That's a sweet pic Brandon. Stained glass lighting is extremely difficult to capture!

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