
Ok, so organization is not my strong suit!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

What was this all about?!?!? I went to the grocery store last night to pick up only a few items. I proceeded to the checkout, placed all of my items on the belt and waited as the cashier began scanning. I glanced back and witnessed the woman in line behind me begin to frantically rearrange MY items on the belt! First she took my 6 vanilla yogurts and stacked them in two stacks of 3. Next my berry jogurt -- same treatment. Thinking she was just trying to help a pregnant lady (that's me) and speed up the scanning process, I assumed she was finished. Not so! She moved on to my 4 cans of soda (setting them upright in a line), cereal boxes were lined up like little toy soldiers. Then the bread products were all grouped together, crackers perched on top of waffles on top of bread. Now, I admit I am no organizational expert (anyone who sees my scrapbooking supplies will attest to that!), but I hadn't haphazardly thrown my items onto the belt -- there was some semblance of order to my purchases.

Me, being the non-Czech speaking foreigner that I am, continued wearing the same sheepish grin that graces my face 90% of the day -- the one that says "I don't know what you're doing or saying to me, but I'll smile about it anyway!" But to you privileged readers I will admit, what I was thinking was: "Hey Lady! I'm an American. And in America we don't touch each others food!"

Yeh. Try saying that in Czech....

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