
What have we been up to?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Well, Mommy has been nesting... and nesting.... and nesting. I've built quite a nest! You should see the storage closet, and the formerly tornado-strewn office, and the laundry room, and Lydia's toy room.......

Other than that we've been hitting some famous gardens in Prague. This seems to be Lydia's favorite past time as they generally include fountains, flowers, statues and maybe even a peacock, fish and ducks. She even managed to convince the babysitter to head out on a walk to the "garden" not realizing the garden is a 20 minute drive away. Poor Nina (our sitter)... unknowingly headed out on the trek, thinking the garden was just outside. Needless to say, Lydia wasn't happy when Nina eventually gave up on EVER finding the garden and turned her around to head back home!

Inside Wallenstein Castle garden... Built a long, long time ago by some important military guy who got too big for his britches and ended up executed by the Emporer.

Lydia and Fountain #1 of 4. Yes, those are coffee stains on her shirt. The girl LOVES coffee and isn't afraid to tell you: "I LOVE coffee. I eating coffee." Her drink of choice (she HAS no choice since mommy is ordering)... Decaf Caffe Latte with skim milk, 2 sugars and sprinkled with cocoa powder. "Train up a child in the way he should go....". ;-)

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An example of why Prague is nicknamed the "City of 1,000 Spires". Note the cool rock/stalagtite wall in the bottom of the picture. That's one of the walls in the Wallenstein Castle garden.

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