
Merry Birth-mas

Saturday, February 10, 2007

For the past two Christmases I have been on a mission to find a kitchen for Lydia. However, everything that I found was... well, European-sized. If you don't know what I mean by that, think washing machine that reaches full capacity with 1 shirt, 2 pairs of underwear and a pair of jeans. Or how about a freezer that holds 1 frozen pizza and 3 bags of frozen veggies. Yes, knowing firsthand the frustrations of life with European-sized appliances I just could not, in good conscience, subject my daughter to the same hassles in her play kitchen. I mean, really, how do I expect her to fit her "Big American" pizza into that little tiny 6 in. oven??? It would be sort of like trying to squeeze your Hummer into that parking space meant for a Ford Focus, you know? Oh, the humanity!

So..... I caved this year (or rather Brandon did) and I ordered the American-sized kitchen online. We had it shipped to Grandma's house and were able to take the majority of it back with us at Christmastime. However, our luggage allowance was maxed out so we couldn't take one important piece with us. That last remaining piece arrived in a separate shipment just this week, thanks to the shipping assistance of Grandma "Brugge". So, what was once a Christmas present, is now more of an early birthday present.

In the meantime, my little girl discovered Thomas the Train and if truth be told, she probably would've been more excited about Thomas and his Friends. Call it Mommy living vicariously through her daughter if you must. Thomas sure would've taken up a LOT less room in our luggage.

So please excuse me now, I'm going to go cook some wooden veggies and have a tea party while Lydia plays with her Legos.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Thank you!!! :)

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