
Year in Review

Monday, December 31, 2007

Following last year's leading, thus making it a "tradition", here are the first sentences of each month's first post in 2007. So far we have been too overwhelmed/busy/lazy to pull together a Christmas letter... Plans to send out a New Year's letter are (to date) unfulfilled. You'll have to settle for this for now....

Happy 2008 to our dear family and friends on both sides of the ocean!

January - We're back in our Prague home.

February - Weighing in at a whopping 18.3lb (8.3kg) and measuring 26.3in (67cm), our "little" boy is, well... not so little.

March - Whew. Just walked through the door after a brief winter getaway to Spain.

April - Without a doubt, the most difficult part of living in Prague is the coming and going of friends.

May - Where we've been.... well, we were graced with the presence of American visitors the first week of May.

June - Oh, how sweet it is! One does not completely comprehend the blessing of the presence of grandpa and grandma until living life in a foreign country with two small children.

July - Having been back in the U.S. of A only 2 days, and still feeling somewhat like we're just on vacation here, we were nevertheless happy to be back in time to celebrate the 4th for the first time since Lydia was only 6 months old.

August - I've got a major case of numb brain.

September - The sellers agreed to our offer. We are (nearly) proud homeowners once again!

October - In 365 days... You can enjoy four seasons, teach your daughter to write her name, move a few times, sell a house, buy a house, take a new job and celebrate your son's first year of life!

November - Itinerary: Meet at 8:05am on the soccer fields behind the Verbrugge residence.

December - And our first winter event came promptly on the 1st of December.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got my wonderful package in! Thank you so much -- it's great and it was a good pick-me-up around final exam time!


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