
Our First European Holiday

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Easter Monday is a Holiday in Europe. Since Brandon had the day off, we decided to take a trip to Dresden, Germany. It is approximately 2 hours away, so we thought we could drive up Monday morning, do a little sightseeing and spend the night. (I admit, I also found out there is a Wal-mart in Dresden and I thought we could stop in to pick up some hard-to-find items...) We underestimated how seriously the Germans take their holidays. When we got to Dresden we quickly discovered that everything is closed on a holiday. When I say "everything"... I mean EVERYTHING! Even Wal-mart. I hadn't packed any food for Lydia since I planned on buying what we needed at the shopping Mecca. Not smart. We finally ended up finding something for her to eat at the train station. We had a pretty rough night though. Lydia slept very poorly -- I don't know if it was the bed, the strange room or the strange dinner. We all woke up tired and a little grumpy. We'll need to rethink any daytrips in the near future...

One more thing. I stand corrected on the Ziploc bags. I found some at the little "potriviny" (corner market) by my house. However, they are $4.50 for 15 bags. Guess I'll keep washing.

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