
Playgroup Success!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Well, we made it to playgroup today. A 15-minute walk to the bus stop, a 15-minute bus ride and another 5 minutes to the host's flat and we made it! The bus system was not too difficult to tackle. The hardest part was lifting Lydia up into the bus in her stroller. I'll need to learn how to say "Excuse me, but some help would be nice." Or some other acceptable Czech variant. The roundtrip ride was only $1 U.S. so pretty cheap, but quite slow.....

Speaking of lifetime firsts... I washed my first Ziploc bag for reuse today. (Andrea, you'd be SO proud!) Something I never dreamed I would do. Ziploc baggies are not to be found in Prague, so our limited supply that we imported from the States is to be treated as a precious commodity. I also cannot find Charmin toilet paper here, but would I....???? Let's not go there.

Lydia is thriving in her new home. She can correctly make the sounds of a cow and chicken (thanks to Grandma Verbrugge!) sheep, and Nellie (which is panting noises, not the traditional "woof" that a dog would make). Oh well, we always knew Nellie wasn't REALLY a dog. And, as of today, Lydia can point out her tummy when asked. BIG stuff!

We have a meeting scheduled on Thursday evening with a Czech language tutor, so there'll be plenty to write after that, I'm sure!


quadshot said...

Which do you prefer.....snack size, sandwich size, gallon size? How about freezer bags or those fancy zippers?!?!? Shipping those won't be so bad, however a case of toilet paper might cause some issues....

Andrea said...

Keep on washin' those bags! I am so proud!

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