

Monday, November 21, 2005

It is impossible for me to describe the impact of visiting the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. Walking the same pathways that millions of innocent people walked to their deaths is a humbling experience. We arrived at the museum just in time for a private tour which turned out to be a blessing since Lydia was a little wound up. Our tour lasted 3 hours and in that time we heard stories and saw things that can only change one's thought process forever. How could something so horrible be allowed to go on for so long? How could those in command sleep at night? How could they face their families at the end of the day? How could they be so convinced that their actions were right? Would I have survived? How strong is my faith? Am I also guilty of judging others to be less valuable than me? By the end of our tour it was pitch-black outside and very cold and all I could think about was the people who were imprisoned here and lived in the same cold, dark place without adequate clothing, being humiliated, beaten, worked to exhaustion and literally starving to death.

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