
The Police Strike Again.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Since Brandon refuses to do the honor, I will take it upon myself to inform everyone of his most recent "cop incident". Yes, that's right... stopped for speeding once again. Despite his wife's recent admonitions and warnings to slow down and drive more carefully, he was pulled over on the motorway for driving 156 km/h -- almost 100mph. (The speed limit is 130 km/h). Brandon decided to play his "stupid foreigner card". The officer informed Brandon he was pulled over for speeding and that the fine would be 1000 Kc. ($40). Brandon "innocently" asked for clarification: "You want me to pay you??? I don't understand." Mr. Policeman, unable to understand English, promptly responded, "You don't have 1000 Kc? Do you have 200?" ($8). Brandon replied, "I'm not sure. I'll have to check." He quickly returned to his car, hid the bulk of his money, and for special effect returned to pay the policeman using a few bills and a bunch of coins. The policeman chuckled at Brandon having to use up all of his coins to pay the fine. (Little did he know Brandon was having the last laugh).

In case you didn't catch that... Yes, you are right. Brandon payed the same fine for driving 100mph as I paid for mistakenly turning left where I wasn't supposed to. What's up with that? Guess he's had a bit more practice and is getting to be quite the master of Czech police negotiation.

1 comment:

quadshot said...

How can it go from $40 to $8? What kind of bargaining is that? So you don't have $40, wouldn't he stop at $30 or $20 before going down to $8?!?!

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