
Rambo vs. The Ladies of Prague

Monday, January 30, 2006

Brandon decided to invite the guys from our church fellowship over this past weekend for a "Rambo-Fest". That's right... 8 hours of Rambo-viewing "pleasure". Needless to say, it became very apparent that girls were not allowed! Lydia and I were scrambling for a new "home" for the afternoon/evening. Thankfully, Emily Stone saved the day and invited us and all of the ladies from church to her home for Girl's Night. Ok, so we didn't have quite as much freedom as the guys had since toddlers were also invited to Girl's Night, but we still had a great time! We watched Monster-in-Law, ate lots of yummy food (kudos to Emily for her amazing quiche with a crust made from scratch!), talked alot, let the little girls run and run and RUN, and did I mention... we ATE?!?!

Meanwhile... back at the Killing-A-Thon, the men were consuming Red Bull Energy Drinks, mass quantities of frozen pizza, peanuts, peanuts, peanuts and fresh squeezed fruit juices (I gave Brandon a juicer for Christmas).

The jury is still out on which party had the better Smorgasboard O' Gluttony, but the men and women do agree that both parties were a hit! Personally, I'm counting my lucky stars that I am testosterone deficient; A Rambo Trilogy sounds rather painful to me.... I'll take quiche and a chick-flick ANY day!!! :-)

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