
A good time was had by all

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Oh, what a blessed gift. On Brandon's own initiative, he arranged a day off for mommy. He and a friend, Chris (a.k.a Owen's daddy), took the kids out for the day so Laura (a.k.a Owen's mommy) and I could have a toddler-free morning.

Daddies and kids went to an aviation museum that fascinated the kids. Both kids are still talking about airplanes and helicopters 4 days later!

The mommies went with no agenda (for once!). We sat and talked while we sipped our Coffee Heaven coffee. Then walked around Prague for a bit, did some shopping and stopped for lunch where we were able to eat and have great conversation.... uninterrupted and without rushing home for naptime! Oh, what bliss!

The best part of the day, by far, was when we arrived home to sleeping toddlers and daddies who both admitted they have a better appreciation for what we mommies do every day. And we didn't even have to pry that admission out of them!

"Hey Owen! How'd ya' like to look at some planes?"

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