
Just another manic Monday

Monday, January 29, 2007

Something you don't want to happen while driving your car in a foreign country with two kids in the back seat: have a tractor trailer run into the car behind you, pushing that car into your rear bumper.

Silver lining: the other car's passenger speaks some English.

Tarnished silver lining: The police will not arrive to the scene of the accident for a "long while, since this is happening everywhere". But wait! There's a police car with 2 officers, just six cars behind us. What luck! .... HA!!! Right! Watch them as Oh, and rubberneck at our accident as they drive past. Of course.

Thankfully, my bumper only received a few minor scratches. Marcus was hungry, it was cold and rainy, and I wasn't in the mood to wait an hour with 2 kids in the car to discuss a scratched bumper in Czech. So with the other drivers' permission, we left the scene after 30 minutes.

I wonder why I have such a splitting headache today?

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