
Winter Cometh

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

File it under: Things that were bound to happen

Starting last night and continuing and continuing and continuing some more, we are getting a winter's worth of snow in one shot. Seems the whole country was blissfully living life as though winter was just going to pass us by this year. Ah, but it wasn't meant to be and now we are all frantically bustling about wondering how we'll ever get from here to there. Planes are grounded, buses are stuck, trams are jamming and here I am, looking out my windows with a sudden hankerin' for some hot cocoa. Doesn't feel right to indulge in the hot cocoa though, without first shoveling the snow. Guess the hot cocoa will have to wait. I'm not much for shoveling.

Unfortunately, it appears as if Prague's snow removal gurus attended the same Snow Removal for Dummies course as the folks in Maryland.

Step 1: Dump sand on the road.
Step 2: Dump sand on the road.
Step 3: DO NOT lower your plow blade and remove the snow!
Step 4: Dump sand on the road.

Yes, it's one nasty slushy mess out there and now that it's refreezing, isn't it time to dump more sand??? Boy, I sure miss those good ol' Iowa snow removal experts. You know, the one's that remove the snow.

If someone sees a runaway crab sandbox please let us know. We seem to have misplaced ours under the snow.

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