
America. In a nutshell.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Ever wonder how the rest of the world views America?

We stumbled upon this children's book at a local cafe Lydia and I like to visit with our friend Sunny. It was an alphabet book, and each letter of the alphabet highlighted a different country. The picture alone is worth a thousand words. A basketball, Mickey Mouse, casual dress code and an endless array of skyscrapers. What a great work environment Americans have! The only thing missing is a giant cup o' Starbucks. Here it goes:

A for America
(didn't you know cowboy hats are very popular in America?)

In the land called America
Everyone addresses everyone else informally.
Everywhere it's the same "you, you, you"
and "I give them my approval".

In the land called America
Don't be surprised
Almost everyone wears T-shirts.
I love T-shirts.

In the land called America
Many new ideas are thought of.
It isn't a coincidence,
That is the land of freedom.

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