
So You Think You Can Be a Mom?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

The first episode of Prague's hottest new reality show, "So You Think You Can Be a Mom?" aired in our home this weekend. Sensing his wife's exhaustion and mental basketcase state, Brandon summoned assistance by lining up our two friends Sunny and Jess to spend the night with our kids. Our role: escape to a hotel downtown to SLEEP IN. Granted, my greatest fears came true when I was wide awake at 7:15am... But that was nothing that a little "pharmaceutical assistance" couldn't cure, enabling a 10:00 wakeup! Sheer heaven.

We returned home at noon to a house still standing, kids still alive, and the stand-in mommies not reluctant to relinquish their duties.

For the first time that I remember in a very long time, it's Saturday afternoon and I feel really good! Dare I say, I even feel a bit energetic!

Our contestants earned points for such things as:
- putting kids to sleep
- diaper changes
- feeding
- Bi-lingual story hour
- waking up at 6am
- cleanup

But, had points DEDUCTED for such things as:
- "colorful" language in the vicinity of small ears
- poor swaddling job
- Nellie neglect
- forgetting diaper ointment
- burning waffles
- recapping the teen drama "One Tree Hill"

Honorable mentions went to:
Nellie; 10 points for not being TOO annoying
Marcus; 15 points for being so smiley
Lydia; 20 points for choosing the Veggie Tales video featuring the "Barbara Manatee" silly song with Larry (Jess' all-time favorite silly song)

The final tally calculation crowned Sunny the winner by a hair. We are currently accepting applications for the next episode. If interested, please send your resume and short video on why YOU have what it takes to be a Mommy.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU Sunny and Jess for making this a possibility. And special kudos to my wonderful husband who saw my need and found a way to make it happen.


Anonymous said...

I feel like I should point out to those who don't know that Nellie is a dog, not a person! haha. Great job with the documentation Ann-marie!

Ann-marie said...

Good point Sunny! Last thing I need is Czech child protective services to come a-knockin'. Although, now that word is out that my dog may be "neglected", I may be in MORE danger with Czech authorities!!! Kids are one thing... but dogs tend to rank just a wee bit higher on the totem pole of Czechdom!

Miriam said...

I am so glad you got to "sleep-in" for a change ! Thanks to your friends who helped you out !

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