
If life was a game of Monopoly.......

Thursday, September 11, 2008'd be time to play my card! Woo-hoo! I cannot contain my giddiness.... tonite at approximately 5:00 pm (a mere 9 hr 29 min away) I will skip out the door to Lightning McQueen (Lydia's name for my car) and head for the lights of Minneapolis, MN! I will be meeting up with my mom and sister for a girls-only weekend. We're actually going to spend a good bit of time at a mega scrapbooking event at the Mall of America, but our list of non-scrappin' activities is growing by the minute. I'm not sure how we'll fit it all in, but I'm sure "sleep" will be the first activity scratched from the list! That's ok... because I'll get up in the morning when I want to get up... I will make breakfast for ME and slowly sip my freshly brewed coffee (not my microwaved version from home because I never got a minute to drink the first brew!). Sheer bliss. Can you tell I'm excited? Do you know how much I desperately need this break?!? My stomach gets butterflies and my face breaks into a smile every time I think about it (for the past month!)

So... I went to the library and got myself some books on CD and a lovely ABBA CD to blare as loud as I like. (Went to the Mamma Mia movie... LOVED it, LOVED it. A repeat viewing will hopefully take place this weekend). There will be no "kids" music allowed in the course of my 5-1/2 hr drive and I may just stop for coffee every hour and a half. Just because I can! Oh baby, this is gonna be fun!

I thanked Brandon profusely for "allowing" me to do this. He reminded me I hadn't gone yet. I said it didn't matter, just the thought that I WILL be going is enough for me to say thanks. So think of Brandon running the house solo this weekend; say a prayer for dear Lydia (Daddy has to do her hair for school on Friday); prayers for Marcus (he's a bit of a mama's boy); and just that I will be able to relax, have fun, and truly enjoy every moment of the precious time I get with my mom and sis. What a blessing! Oooo... there's that giddy feeling again.... :-)


Julie said...

I thing EVERY mother out there is turning green with least I am!

Andrea said...

You crack me up! I hope you have/had a great time and enjoy sleeping in. I hope to do that again someday...

quadshot said...

Ann-marie, you just gave Don and I so much ammunition in our arguement of why we don't and plan not to have our own kids!!

Brandon, please do post a picture of how Lydia's hair turns out....

Anonymous said...

Hurray! I'm so glad you get this weekend. Miss you . . . let's chat when you get back!

The Syvertsens said...

hope it was a great weekend! i just got back from a girls' weekend, too, and it was so nice to be away!

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