
Half a world away......

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Unfortunately, the time has come yet again to be a solo parent. Brandon left yesterday for 10 days in China. I'm already oh-so-tired and feeling like I'm coming down with some bug and it's only Day 2. And that chair in the living room is gonna HAVE to start growing if it expects to hold any more clothes that need to be folded. Maybe if I just select our daily clothing options from the pile on the chair, I won't ever have to fold it! People might start to wonder when I'm cloaked in a white undershirt, lavender bath towel and men's boxers. Okay, okay... I'll fold it. Tomorrow.

On a positive note, my weekend away was all that I could've wanted. We went to bed late (VERY very late), woke up late, ate breakfast late and scrapbooked late, late into the night. Sheer bliss! We even managed to smuggle my sis, Emily, into two crop nights. Hooray for lenient, laid-back scrapbook store staff.

The weekend only had two downers:

1.) Mamma Mia Sing-along version. "Dear row-mate, it's not your 'singing' that's the problem... It's your accompanying body gyrations (causing my seat to tremor along to YOUR beat) that are, shall we say, distracting me from my movie-viewing experience. And really, was it truly necessary to go tell the senior citizen usher lady that no one else was singing along... leading her to TWICE barge into the theatre and command us to sing?!? REALLY. Was that necessary?

2.) Greedy scrapbookers. Instead of rabidly snatching up toppling stacks of the $1.99 hot buy paper pack of the night, perhaps we could each take what we really need thereby leaving enough for everyone to have a pack or two. Just a thought. Perhaps.

Aside from that, the weekend was heavenly. Mom, Emily and I are already scheming how to turn this into a semi-annual event including my other sis and sis-in-law. Brandon didn't know what he was signing up for by agreeing to do this, "just this once". HA!

The kids and Brandon were all in one piece. The house was nice and tidy, and he was all caught up on the laundry. Talk about Super Dad. Hmmmmm.... Now I'm self-conscious; He wasn't trying to show me how "easy" it is to care for the kids AND keep the house clean, was he? No, he was definately just trying to show me love, Right? RIGHT?

Lydia was SOOOooo excited when I walked through the door. I got the biggest smile and hug; it warmed my heart. Marcus rolled out of the bed in the morning as if I never left. Upon seeing me for the first time, the first word out of his mouth was "Milk". Ah yes, confirmation of where I rate on the totem pole of life's necessities.

And just for proof: Lydia DID in fact get her hair curled and pretty while I was away. Go Dad!

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