
3rd Day Observations

Thursday, July 05, 2007

1. Big cars. REALLY big and SHINY cars. Why are the cars so shiny?

2. Cold, cold drinks. Even without ice. Lydia was very taken aback by her first fountain drink from Burger King. With eyes watering: "It's vewy, vewy cold, Mommy!"

3. Overwhelming choices in unlimited size options. From laundry detergent to hairgel to breakfast cereal. Everything in small, medium and large. Very, very large.
(Can't breathe. Must... leave... store... now...)

4. Swirling toilet flushes that swirl for a long, long time.
(Good entertainment for Lydia)

5. Trash pickup was today. Picked up our two enormous overflowing trash cans plus the bag on the ground without batting an eye.
Mr. Garbage-Man Picker-Upper: You are my Great American Hero!

6. Dear America, there is a reason the car's cupholders are the size they are. It's because you should not have a cup that large!


The Syvertsens said...

Again, love your perspective. I can't imagine what we will notice in Sept, since it will be almost 2 years since we've been back. I might pass out if I enter a supermarket or Target. But boy will I pick myself up again to endure the endless choices!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE it!

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