
Change: Round 3

Monday, July 23, 2007

It's official. We are culture-shock junkies.
Moving to Prague: Difficult.
Moving back to America: Challenging but refreshing.
Moving to Wisconsin: Crazy!

In approximately 4 days (Yes, FOUR days!!!) we will be an official family of cheeseheads. Sparing the insane details, Brandon has left his position at Black & Decker and accepted the position of Director of Motor Development for Milwaukee Power Tools. Feeling that life was getting just a little too boring in our barely-furnished 2-bedroom house in Towson, Maryland and realizing that "Heck, our possessions are still on a boat to America from Prague" we said, "Why Not?". Ok, so it didn't go exactly that way, but our interviewing trip to Brookfield, Wisconsin a week and a half ago came as close to a "beam of light from heaven" experience as we would've dared to expect. And since nobody is getting any younger, seeing the dear members of our family tree only 1x per year wasn't cutting it anymore.

Which explains the blog silence. We have been quite busy around here, preparing our house for sale and finding ourselves a bit overwhelmed with the prospect of moving again only 3 weeks after arriving Stateside.

Lydia was a bit apprehensive about moving to "'Sconsin", but after I assured her that there are lots of playgrounds, swimming pools and parks she quickly agreed that a new bike (yellow to be exact) is in order for all those bike trails and 'Sconsin could be a pretty nice place to live.

We're still not clear on when/if/how our things are getting from Maryland to Wisconsin. OR how our things are getting from Europe to Maryland to Wisconsin for that matter. But what fun is certainty anyway?!?


Anonymous said...

"What fun is certainty?" Wow -- we've come a long way! Ha ha! I'm so happy for you all. I am also about to go get on a plane right now to come to America, sooo I hope we'll talk soon.

Love, S

Miriam said...

Sounds like you guys are "on the move" ! What fun!

Rebekah and Petr said...

Glad you've got an upbeat attitude about this move. I believe great things await you in "Sconsin" and am looking forward to hearing all about them. :) Missing you, R

Phebe said...

Not taking up the Gypsy lifestyle are you? We were hoping to have a chance to visit after you get settled in Maryland but it sounds like you won't be getting settled there at all. Glad to hear you have an oppurtunity to be closer to family and hope you enjoy your new adventures in "Sconsin"!

Anita Dudek said...

Hi Verbruggies!
I have enjoyed reading of your adventures so much that I decided to try blogging too. What a wonderful record you are leaving for your children to enjoy in the deep future!

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