
Farewell... sortof.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Yesterday, we had our "Farewell Party" which was lovingly coordinated by Sunny and Shanna. Several of our friends were invited and we just hung out at our house, ate, talked and had fun. The weather cooperated. And then it didn't. And then it did again. And somehow in there, a few brave parents (ok, only Phil because he was the designated "Parental Unit/Lifeguard") and kids managed to log in some swimming time.

It was a really special time. And it's funny how the human mind functions. We couldn't get ourselves to actually say "goodbye" just yet. So we put it off for another week and have convinced ourselved we will see everyone one more time and say our goodbyes then. Until then, we will delay the inevitable, thankful for each remaining moment in Prague.

Ready to race! Princesses and all!

1 comment:

The Syvertsens said...

We are right there with you in the land of denial

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