
Transport Complete

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

We made it! And we passed with "flying" colors... (he he)

Yes, 8 checked suitcases each weighing slightly over 50 lb (you do the math) + 2 backpacks and 1 computer bag + baby in stroller + 3 yr old + dog = travelling circus sideshow. But I am happy to say we traversed the Atlantic, the airports and the 4 hour drive from NY to Maryland with no meltdowns ( by the children OR adults!). By the time we were home, our physiological clocks read 2 am but the kids were still doing amazingly well. We know there is no explanation other than that people were praying diligently for us and God answered in a mighty way!

Lydia was not convinced we were in America until we got to someplace with beds. Even after our arrival in NY, She kept asking "Are we going to America?" I would respond "Lydia, we ARE in America. It's a country, just like the Czech Republic is a country." And she responded "But there are no BEDS here!" Further backing to my belief that Lydia thinks America is only a hotel.

Our neighbor, Andrea, was our Welcome Wagon Angel; greeting us with smiles and hugs and stocking our house with necessities (and beautiful flowers!) for these critical first 24 hours.

We've already noticed MANY things about America that catch us off guard... but that's for another post.

So thanks to all who were praying for us... we are so very grateful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the post about the MANY things that caught you off guard!

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