
Prayer Request

Friday, December 19, 2008

I have been dealing with severe pain in my rib/side since coming down with bronchitis well over a month ago. The actual pain began exactly one week before Thanksgiving, so I'm going on week 5 now? I've seen 3 doctors, had two xrays and the most I've gotten is "take 3 ibuprofen 3x a day" later changed to "take 2 alleve 2x a day.... and don't call me. Some people just have to take alleve for the rest of their lives......".

Well, the pain has remained unchanged/increased and I cannot resign myself to a lifetime of Alleve. So, out of frustration/desperation, I made an appointment to see a chiropractor for this morning.

We are currently getting the Mother of All Snow Dumps (8 in. since about midnight and still going strong). However, the pain was so bad yesterday that I simply must make the trek to the dr. today. So, I would appreciate prayers for two things: 1. Safety while driving in this incredible snow storm (and that the office is actually open when I finally arrive there!) and 2. That the visit will go ok. I have to admit I am completely. freaked. out. by the thought of going to the chiro. I've never gone before and the thought of someone placing pressure the equivalent of an elephant's body weight on my ribcage about makes me want to crawl back in bed and put the blankets over my head. After I throw up first. Yes, the fear is that great.

I only hope that I come out of there walking upright and without cringing in pain any longer. Oh, and a spring in my step would be kind of fun too. Lydia, for one, has been telling me lately that she sure hopes I feel better again sometime soon. Is it possible she's tired of hearing me say "I just need to lay on the couch for a few minutes....".

So, here's to getting better soon. I 2nd that motion.


Rose said...

So, how did it go? I know the chirop work isn't usually solved in one visit, so will you go back? I was praying...

Emily said...

Praying for you Ann-marie. Did you see my last comment?

Anonymous said...

You definitely have prayers coming your way! Please keep us updated. Love you friend!

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