

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Well, the chiro really didn't do much for the pain I've been dealing with. Although the electrode massage/ ultrasound/BioFreeze treatment could easily become an addiction. Or maybe it was just the fact that I DID'NT spend those 2 hours hauling temper tantrum throwing kids up and down the stairs for timeouts.... Hmmmmm.....

Anyway, prayers were answered. This morning.

My neighbor (a surgeon) finagled his colleague's schedule this morning so that I could be seen at the hospital bright and early for a fifth opinion. They took a 3rd set of xrays, and BINGO, third time is the charm -- I have a fractured rib! There's both good and bad to this since there's really nothing that can be done to treat it. But at least I have a reason for the horrendous pain, and I know I'm not just losing my mind. Ok. Maybe I am losing my mind, but that's another post for another day.

Makes me wonder what doctors 1, 2, and 3 were looking at when they examined my first 2 sets of xrays??? Anyhow.... I have doctor's orders to take it easy, rest lots and LOTS, consume 6 oz. of chocolate 2x daily, don't do any laundry, bathroom cleaning, dishes, etc. Hey, I'm sure that's what I heard him say....... and no one else was there to prove otherwise.

So please excuse me, it's time for my prescribed chocolate truffles and R&R.... ta ta!

1 comment:

quadshot said...

As I was reading your prayer request blog, I thought to myself "that sounds like a fractured rib....but geez, she's had two xrays" - it's always a good idea to get a second opinion, but now I guess we should always get a third too!! I'm glad you've found a source and that in itself should help. The chocolate and no housework will do the trick too....but I think you need latte delivery as well (ahem, Brandon).

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