
Lydia Status

Friday, May 27, 2005

Lydia had her 15 month check-up today... her first "well visit" in the Czech Republic. The doctor seems quite nice, and I'm pretty comfortable with our new medical arrangement. Funny how before Lydia was born I analyzed, researched, and asked for opinions before selecting her pediatrician. My standards have changed... now it is "You speak English? Perfect. When can I make an appointment?"

So the appointment went very smoothly even though she had to have her MMR immunization. They gave it to her in her forearm, so she cried until they stuck the needle in and then was fascinated watching them inject the fluid. But before the immunization, they weighed and measured our "little peanut". We now get measurements in the metric system, so she's 14.22 kg and 84.5 cm. That translates to approximately 31 lb and 33.6 in. When the length measuring device on the baby scale wasn't long enough and the nurse said we would need to use the "special measure", I was reminded that we have a tall one on our hands! She's still in the 95th percentile for weight and well over 100% for height. The doctor confirmed Lydia's status by laughing when pointing to her measurements on the percentile chart and telling me we have "a very healthy girl". Thankfully she also assured me she's perfectly proportionate. I wasn't too surprised since she is taller than the 2-year-olds in the playgroup! Good news: Lydia is maintaining that perfect Female German Swimmer physique we've been working so hard to develop... bald head and all. When she was wearing a tank top last week, the babysitter exclaimed, "She has muscles!"

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