
Sunday, January 04, 2009

TOP 10
Reasons We Decided to Go to China for 7 Weeks

10. Lydia wants a pet Giant Panda, so we decided to go straight to the source.

9. The latest Scientifc Journal studies show that inhaling large quantities of smog is actually beneficial to your health.

8. I'm conducting research for the latest Eastern diet craze to sweep the nation: "Rice, Chicken Knuckles, Rice, Locusts and Rice: How to effortlessly lose 25 lbs in 8 weeks".

7. The 8 hour car ride to Iowa is no longer challenging. We wanted to take it up a notch and thought 16-1/2 hours in a plane would be much more fun!

6. It's winter in Wisconsin and we're not old enough to be "snow birds". Besides a "snow dragon" sounds much more edgy.

5. Consuming rice, soup and noodles with chopsticks sounds so effiicent and enjoyable. We just have to try it out.

4. Lydia is studying the origins and effects of Communism in her preschool government and world history class. As involved parents, we believe hands on learning is the best kind.

3. We'll be there to celebrate Chinese New Year 2009 and kick off the year of the ox. Who doesn't love a big ol' cuddly ox?

2. Looking like a giant makes me feel powerful.

................and the number 1 reason we decided to go to China for 7 weeks...................

1. Blogging from Wisconsin was becoming stagnant. We're off in search of new blog fodder. Stay tuned!


Andrea said...

Ann-marie, Don't ever let anyone tell you that you are not funny. This is a great list! #2 cracked me up! So did a bunch of other ones but I can't remember the numbers. Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Numbers 1, 2, & 4 were the high-lights for me! Keep it up!

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