
Meet Anja

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I call her "Anj" for short. She's my handy dandy sanitizer.

She's about the size of a teeny tiny dishwasher, but instead of a dishwasher (because why would someone want one of those, when you can wash dishes by hand?!?) the common thing in Chinese kitchens is a sanitizing machine.

We have not yet determined how she works, since she does not require any chemicals, soap or water. We simply load her up with the dishes we have recently washed by hand*. We push one of her two buttons (Speed I or Speed II) and 120 minutes later our dishes are supposedly rid of all impurities. I find the whole routine a bit ridiculous but, like a good Chinese person, I just do what I am told.

So Anj and I will continue our silly little dance of nonsense. And maybe, just maybe, we'll even grow to like one another.

*with water heated in the electric tea kettle (three times to fill the sink) because there's no hot water in the kitchen. Folks, efficiency is not the name of the game.


Rebekah and Petr said...

Well, I've finally gotten around to reading all of the posts you've done on your Chinese adventure so far! Wow! It looks like a lot of fun, even though it is a dauntingly huge change. Your coffee looked beautiful - I'm totally missing coffees with you and Sunny in Prague too. Thinking of you lots and saying many prayers.

Rose said...

Please keep posting. What I want to know is how you get anything done besides grocery shopping, dish washing, taxi riding, and laundry!! I am thoroughly entertained by the modern conveniences...or not so another culture. I'm sure people who come to America find quirky things that we do, too! Missing you and our chats. Is Lydia's school still going well?

Phil and Shanna said...


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