
A look at our neighborhood

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Brandon just left for work a few minutes ago. I have to admit, over the weekend thinking about this day has made me a little nervous in my stomach. Today is when real China life begins for me. I'm on my own now with both kids for the day. There's nobody to keep me safe and take care of the things I'm too nervous about. It also means a ton of walking for all of us... no taxis since I can't communicate with them how to get back to our apartment. The general rule is that you need the location written out in Chinese on a piece of paper or a business card. This also means there is no Brandon to carry Lydia when she gets too tired to walk.

We'll also finish registering Lydia for school today and she'll probably start on Wednesday.

I walked around our apartment complex yesterday and took a few photos. You don't really get the 'smell factor' by looking at these... and it's not really something I can even describe. You just need to experience it firsthand.

Our apartment building #11

The main entrance

Our front door to the apartment. Warm and inviting, huh?

Our neighbors as seen from the kitchen window

1 comment:

The Syvertsens said...

What an adventure! Hope you enjoy it all. Where in China are you? Where it's warm or where it's cold?

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