
Discovery Zone

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Today has been a pretty nice day so far. We met up with a contact Brandon has in China (Jenn). We spent a LOT of time in Starbucks either drinking coffee, eating snacks or feeding her baby. Then she was so helpful in showing me the shops to find food that we're familiar with. I am amazed! So far, compared with Prague, so many more things from America are available here... including my favorite soup: Progresso Tomato Basil! There is even Land o' Lakes chedder cheese. Wow! She also calmed my fears about China milk by explaining the safe vs. unsafe options.

Lydia was very tired of walking by 2:00 and longing for our car or a taxi ride. She notices the 'interesting' smells instantly (and loudly proclaims her feelings about them). Marcus is continuously caught off-guard by the constant car horns. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure he's ever heard a car honk before! Such a strange, new set of smells and noises for all of us.


Pam said...

So glad to hear you all made it safe and sound...well at least safe:) Tomato basil soup? I am so there, ha! The apartment looks gorgeous! Something different from the same 'ol surroundings. Miss you back home, but know it will be a short while before you return:) Enjoy and keep us posted with your adventures!

Rose said...

And to think I had that same Tomato Basil soup today for lunch! Fun. Glad to hear many of your concerns have been put to rest. Let us know how you are doing and more about Lydia's school.

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