
And then the electrician entered the scene...

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

So, our house is protected electrically in such a way that if there is an electrical problem sensed anywhere in the house, the power throughout the house shuts down. It's called GFCI. It's the same thing as you may find in the bathroom, but in our case it's the entire house. This tends to happen at least once every week. However, on Monday we lost power 6 or 7 times in a span of 10 minutes so we sent a message to the landlord asking for an electrician. The problem seemed to be connected somehow to the washing machine since when we stopped it from running the power didn't go off anymore. Tuesday we didn't have any reoccurances, so I called the landlord to say we could cancel the electrican. She thought it would be best for him to come so I stayed home all morning waiting for him to grace our front door.

Fastforward to 11:17. Doorbell rings. Electrican enters. Opens breaker panel. Walks to kitchen and starts and stops the dishwasher. Walks back to the breaker panel. Back to the dishwasher on and off. Then he leans into the living room says, "Yes. Ok. Bye-bye". Exits the premisis at 11:22.

But... but... wait a minute. Aren't you going to even glance at the washing machine?!? How about open your toolbox? Wow, am I relieved that NOW we know what the problem is! Whew... maybe I'll be able to sleep peacefully tonight knowing that a professional has taken care of everything.

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