

Friday, June 03, 2005

Brandon removed my car from my presence today. It will be delivered to the transmission guy this morning and hopefully we will finally discover the extent of the problem. Brandon has warned me that "this could take awhile". I feel like I have reverted somewhat to our early days here... I have a mobile phone on loan from B&D since mine was stolen, and now I am without a car. Lydia and I will definately have to board the bus and head to the park or one of us (ah hem... ME) may not make it to 6:00 pm.

On Wednesday morning I took our babysitter, Nina, to the store with me to help with translation. I wanted to return something to Ikea and buy an inexpensive piece of furniture (whose digram for assembly I have posted). I needed something cheap for use in our storage area. Upon entering the store I spotted the super-deluxe slide that Lydia simply must have! In our short time here, I have learned that when you spot something in the store, buy it! It may not be there in 2 days. This is especially the case for children's play equipment. I have been told (and witnessed myself) that the stores seem to have approximately 3 swingsets in inventory in the beginning of spring. If you want one, you'd better get there quick because once they're gone, they're gone! Thankfully I had my personal "translator" with me as the slide was too big for the car and we had to arrange to have it delivered. It is scheduled to be delivered between 3 and 5 today. We will see if it arrives since our address is still not found on maps, internet searches, etc. Nina told me she gave them pretty good directions, but she also admitted to me that the employees were quite confused and talked as though they had never before sold a large item that needed to be delivered. I was oblivious to this since all Czech, confused or confident, sounds the same to me! I just stood there in the background with a silly, clueless grin on my face. When they look to me and start speaking I just smile and nod. Stupid foreigner.

If it does arrive, I think we know what daddy's weekend project will be!!!

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