
Nellie's Guardian Angel

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Friday was a beautiful day. It was sunny and 70 or 75. Around 5:30, I was outside with Lydia when a Czech construction worker approached our gate. And this is how the conversation went:

Czech construction man (CCM): "Hello"

Me: "Dobry Den" (thinking I'm really cool with my Czech greeting!)

CCM: "Do you speak English?"

Me: "Yes"

CCM: "Well, It's not of my business but..."

Me: Thinking... wow, he speaks English really well if he knows that phrase

CCM: He continues... "But, you really shouldn't leave your dog outside for the whole day. Especially when it's so hot outside."

Me: "Oh. Yeh. She's in the house now."

CCM: "I mean, she should at least have water."

Me: "Yeh. She has water now. In the house. She's okay in the house." (Fumbling like an idiot)

CCM: "Because she's a really pretty dog, and you really should be careful."

Me: "Okay. Thanks."

End of conversation.

I'm left standing in my yard completely baffled. First of all... It wasn't ALL day, one hour in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. 2nd... It's not exactly hot. It's 75 max! 3rd... Nellie is a DOG! An animal! 4th... Of all the times so far that I could've used an English-speaking Czech person and there isn't one in sight, NOW there's an accomplished English-speaking Czech construction worker at my gate (he knows the phrase "It's not by business, but...") and he's worried about my dog succumbing to heatstroke! What are the odds????

Guess the construction workers are taking Nellie under their wings...

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Dogs have feelings too, Ann-marie!!! Clearly this guy is in touch with what those feelings are...

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