
Just some minor technical difficulties...

Saturday, June 25, 2005

My car has returned home! I am so giddy just thinking about the places Lydia and I can go... We'll kick off the extravaganza on Tuesday morning by taking a trip to Sparky's toy store downtown with our new friends Emily and Eloise. Although Brandon continues to remind me that Lydia doesn't need any more toys, I am not convinced. It's a 3 story toy store with a "rocket slide" (whatever that is???). A mega toy store with 2 toddlers? Let's just call it an "adventure".

So Brandon informed me this morning that the light will still come on in my car and not to worry... it's just the computer adjusting itself to the new signals that it is receiving. Ummm... ok. He assured me that the problem has been fixed and all I need to do it turn off the car and restart it. This should resolve itself as the computer begins to read the new signals from the rebuilt transmission as "normal". I will trust my husband on this, but I have my own theory about what is going on. Here goes:

You see, the car is a Renault. This, of course, means it is a French car. We took it to a local transmission guy to have the transmission rebuilt. So... the problem that the computer is having with the new signals it is receiving is obvious: My French car was rebuilt by mechanics who were speaking Czech. Duh... my transmission doesn't understand Czech! How do we expect it to understand these new signals as normal? I know what it's like trying to understand strange signals. Trust me, my internal computer is still adjusting to the strange signals I am receiving as well... think I'm going to flip on my warning lights!!!

Postcript: Brandon also just informed me that Transmission Guy was surprised that Brandon is an American and bought a French car! Seems that Transmission Guy prefers to buy American. Okay, okay, we learned our lesson... No more French cars!

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