
Culinary Pioneer

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bravely going where neither parent has ever considered going before! Why this girl refuses to eat tomatoes, pickles or lettuce I'll never know. She also insists that she does not like chicken whenever I prepare it for dinner. The following video took place by Lydia's own volition, with absolutely no prompting from her parents.

Caution! Don't watch if you: are in your 1st trimester of pregnancy, ate at Taco Bell after midnight last night, are coming down with the stomach flu, recently competed in a local all-you-can-eat hot dog contest, are a lifetime member of PETA, or have any past history of a weak stomach. Consider yourself warned.


Pam said...

Eew!!! That's just disgusting. How did she ever decide that eating a chicken foot was a good thing? Now you just need to work on tomatoes:)

quadshot said...

It's a good thing you took a video - no one would have believed you! Her and I were tied in the "pickiest-eating Verbrugge" contest, but after this video, I WIN!!! I wouldn't have even considered it.

Andrea said...

So much for you having a vegetarian daughter. I don't know whether to be impressed or disgusted!

RVmom said...

Dear Lydia
Tomatoes are so much tastier than chicken feet!! You should plant some in your garden this summer and enjoy their juicy goodness!! I know you can do it!!
Love Grandma Voorst

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