
Letter to my little girl

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dear Lydia,
Five years old! What a wonderful age to be! The smile on your face when you woke up this morning melted my heart. Your eyes were so full of excitement; so full of wonder. You knew that you had gone to bed the night before as a four-year old. And with the morning sun, you threw off your blankets and emerged a grown up little five year old. Beautiful butterfly. You were so proud to proclaim that you will "never be four again!"

Your mind is dreaming today of all that the magical age of "five" entails: of losing your teeth; and going to kindergarten; reading books; and learning to ride your bike with out training wheels.

We've spent the past six weeks in China and during our time here you have amazed me. We have left all that is comfortable in your life and exchanged it for a place that is very different. I am so proud of your ability to take it all in, embrace it, and take flight. Your first day in your new school you confidently walked in without knowing a single person and when I picked you up four hours later, you had a roomful of new friends. When so many Chinese people wanted to take your picture, just because you have blonde hair, you never complained. You just stopped what you were doing to smile sweetly, tilt your head ever so slightly and make their day. I don't know if I would have handled it with such grace.

You are such a brave little girl. I pray that you will always take hold of the adventure of life; that you will love Jesus and befriend the people that he made, no matter the color of their skin, their hair, or if they speak English; and that you will always let your little light shine... wherever you may go.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl.


Pam said...

You just had to make me cry with this one. Lydia is such a beautiful girl and you are an incredible mother. We are blessed to have you in our lives. Happy 5 years Lydia!

RVmom said...

Dear Lydia!
Today is a special day! I have thought about you a lot of times and wish that I could give you a hug!! Have fun being 5 sweet girl - we will see you at your American Birthday Party!!

Rebekah and Petr said...

Happy Birthday, dear Lydia!! Magdalena loves reading about you on your blog and seeing your pictures. We hope to see you soon so that you girls can play together before we move back to Prague. Ann-marie, did your email change? I just emailed you and it was returned to me...

Anonymous said...

So sweet. You have been given such a gift with your special little girl. I love her sooo much! Give her a big birthday hug from me!

The Syvertsens said...

I cannot believe she is 5. Amazing. She is beautiful!

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