
Princess Treatment

Monday, February 23, 2009

What do you get when your blonde haired, blue-eyed daughter is waiting in the garden when the princesses come out to say "hello"? Lots and lots of royal attention! Wow, did Lydia ever win the award for one-on-one time with the princesses!!! At times, it was a little embarrassing and I started to feel bad for the multitudes of little Chinese kids that had to wait while Lydia carried on lengthy conversations with Cinderella, Belle, Sleeping Beauty and even a stroll with Buzz Lightyear. (Is it always bad to play the race card?) Seriously. In America we would've never garnered so much attention. Lydia would've been just another little white girl in a multitude of little white girls wearing princess costumes.

The most amazing interaction was with Cinderella. She took Lydia's hand and walked with her to "Cinderella's Carousel". The employees cleared the ride, let Lydia board first with Cinderella and they rode together, chatting the entire time! The look in Lydia's eyes was completely priceless.

After the ride, Lydia could only recall a few details of their conversation... but she did tell me that princesses talk with squeaky voices.

Curtsy lessons from Sleeping Beauty.

A princess kiss

Twirling with Belle

A stroll through the park with Buzz

1 comment:

Pam said...

Shayna wants to know, "Are those real princesses?"

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